I've been on my dealer's list since the first week of December (keyring in hand.) At that time I told them I would be interested in their only TRAC car, silver pkg. 1. They dealer said that it would be March before it would be offered for sale. Yesterday my dealer rep called and said it was for sale........FOR $2500.00 OVER MSRP WITH 1400 MILES! He is a great guy and was everything but apologetic since the pricing was done well up the food chain from him. He figured I wouldn't be interested but felt obligated to make the call. He then told me I was now 4th on the list with 2 wanting pkg. 9 and 1 wanting pkg. 3. I'm a pkg. 4 kinda guy but I'll take anything as long as it is neither black nor white and NOT A PENNY OVER MSRP. There, I feel better now! I sure hope that one stays on the lot a while........
Hang in there, and good luck. But if they're selling the TRAC car at $2,500 over MSRP, are they going to sell the brand-new ones at MSRP?
Why do the dealers act as if selling a Prius is like rocket science? Nobody is high enough on the food chain to take responsibility. I thought one good thing about the Prius was that it has a fixed price (except for the options, and then the accessories they add). I've been on the list a month or so longer than you and one close to what I want is just now coming up. Either wait longer or find another dealer. (see the poll on my posting) Good Luck! Papagena
Just wanted to tell you that you made the right decision. That's too much money for a used car. I would make sure that you have it in writing that they are going to sell your new Prius at MSRP! Besides, who knows, maybe if they don't have anyone desparate enough, they will call you back with a decent offer for the TRAC car.
The same thing happened to me. My dealer called me and offered me their demo car with 3500 miles on it for 1500 over MSRP. I said to the salesguy, "Surely you mean *under* MSRP", but he confirmed that he actually meant over. Hopefully they won't pull any fast ones when the car actually comes in. I'm down to #4 on the list now.
Dont' feel bad. I was at my dealer who happened to have one last week (White #3)! Test drove it, loved it, asked the guy on the test drive how much, he looked at the sticker and told me...got back to the dealer and sat down - bam! $4500 over invoice! I'm like you have to be kidding me - I'm telling you I'll buy this right now at sticker! No go, so I wait.
Gotta hand it to Mechanicsville Toyotoa (Richmond, VA). They stopped taking orders whe they couldn't give an accurate date. They call interested parties and when allocated, first come-first served. Lucklily, we were first come on a silver #9. Very happy with the exerience.
Similar story on a new #9 this weekend. I have been on the list at my local dealer for a #9 but I had called around a while ago to see if I could get lucky elsewhere. Well, this weekend I get a call from a dealer, there's a #9 coming in in a few weeks, did I want it? Sure! Then he says something about total price $31,000, about $5k over list. Thanks, but no thanks. Dealer says he can sell it this weekend no problem. I'll drive there now and buy it for list if he wants to call back. He calls back a few days later, they still have it for sale, they can come down some on the price if I changed my mind. I don't know, if I had too much money I might go for it but it is easier being noble when it saves you money. I would deal up a little for options but I still have faith that my dealer will come through in a couple months. So, POP QUIZ: how much extra would you pay?
I wouldn't. The dealer is making plenty on that car already especially on the markup on all the optional features, not to mention price over invoice. Ask the salesman if he wants to sell the car TODAY and offer him MSRP. End of the month is when salesmen really want to sell the cars to make their month's quote. Good luck.
MSRP gives the dealer a fair profit. I test-drove a blue #7 and a blue #7 was exactly what I wanted. But on consideration, I decided I did not want a used car. Especially a used car driven by 50 or 100 different people, all trying it out to see what it would do! So I waited, and got a brand-new blue #7 at MSRP. It's a free country and a dealer can charge what the market will bear. But I wouldn't buy from a dealer who charges over MSRP because I'd expect him to use cheap oil for the oil changes (which I do at the dealer).