I got my Prius in March 2008, love it, and have been trying to convince my parents to get one. Today they finally decided that their 1995 Saab was getting a little old and bought a 2009 Pkg 3 with 6000 miles. They won't pick it up until Sunday but I can't wait to get a pic of the two cars together. I also know they'll be calling me every hour asking how to adjust the heat, radio etc...which is part of the reason I suggested they get a 2009 rather than a 2010....
Hi Brodie, I'm just curious. Roughly how much less money was the 2009 with 6k miles as compared with a new 2010?
Brodie, congratulations! I have a similar story; I bought my used 2009 Prius (9000 miles) after my parents had one from 2006. I also took a picture of them side by side. It's a great car. uart - FYI, I bought my used 2009 Prius for $23,991 + tax. It is a Package 5, Touring Edition, Dark Gray. Again, it had 9k miles.
Ohh that is U.S. Price. Did not notice you were from Australia, sorry. You can probably safely assume that the 2010 model will cost you about $4-5k (US or AUD) more than a relatively similar packaged 2009 model. I believe this was the case when I was shopping around 2 months ago. That extra few thousand dollars goes towards the new body styling, very slightly better mileage and a few new features. It was a very tough decision actually, but believe it or not I liked the look of the older model. It was more geeky.
My parents paid US $21995 out the door for their 09 package 3. That includes sales tax and fees, as well as about $1000 for their old Saab. We asked the dealer and a new 2010 would have been about $3-4000 more.