I have never heard of a black friday sale for cars, but how the sorry state of auto sales are at this point, you never know. There is a place giving away a free turkey if you test drive a hyundai that i know of. I would venture a guess to say that you won't see too many toyota dealerships cutting prices on the Prius (ford isn't budging much on the FFH either) because they are in high demand. If you want another type of hybrid, I am sure they are slashing prices like crazy.... I received a sales call from my local nissan dealership and the salesman stated that he could get me a 2009 NAH for just under 20k... that's about a 7k drop...
well I just noticed that you are in RI. I'm in MA on the south shore near raynham.... pm me if you want to know which dealership it is.
Well, the hybrid version only gets 3mpg highway better than the standard engine model, so it really isn't worth it. The salesmen push the fact that the car can drive 600 miles on a tank of gas. That's great until you read the specs and find out that it has a 20gallon tank!
I have had experience with a Camry hybrid. I was able to get 39mpg on mixed city/hwy driving. There is no way I could get close to the hwy mpg's of a regular camry. Hybrids are great!!!
Given that we are approaching the end of the month (and the next dealer interest payment), Friday's deals should be good. What you might do is test drive on Friday and if the price isn't right, it may come down a bit more on Sat. or Monday. If the price is right on a car you want on Friday--i.e., what you think is a good deal--you might as well take it then, rather than gamble on a small additional price decrease vs. the chance your car will be gone in the next day or so.
The price you pay is totally dependent on supply and demand. Black Friday will have little to no effect on the price that you pay for a Prius. If the Prius supply is good in your area and the dealer has several on the ground, then you maybe able to obtain a reasonable discount. If the supply is low and the pipeline shows that there aren't many inbound then don't expect much in discounts. Purchasing a Prius is much like anything else. Supply and demand.
car industry is differ from apparel and electronics. they cannot slash the price of a car in half to lure customers onto buying more cars but apparel and electronics can becuase once consumers stepped into the store, they tend to buy other things with the half priced itetm.
You can get a great deal on a Prius on Black Friday. Of course, you have to be the first two customers at the dealer, which will open at 4 AM. Don't get trampled in the stampede. And you might have to wait outside for hours and hours to assure yourself of being one of the first two in line. Oh, don't forget that your dealer has a limited supply (two) of Prius' available for the doorbuster...and no rain checks are available either. LMAO!!
Perhaps this isn't happening in other parts of the country, but in New England many of the dealerships are having Black Friday sales events, including Toyota dealers. I think my question is a fair one. Not a question that needs to be mocked by some of you out there.
Not mocking. Just putting some levity into this thread. A rather "tongue in cheek" response to the Black Friday question.
Nor Cal here. Newspapers have $2500 off MSRP on IV and Vs. You can opt for the 0% interest for 60 months instead of the discount. Good for the weekend.
I bought my prius 2 days ago on Black Friday (more by necessity than by choice.) It may vary by location, but the dealers here in the DC area are having trouble keeping their stock of Priuses up. I ended up with a Certified Pre-Owned 2010 Prius III for 22k. Not any better than I could've done any other day I suspect. The car was the dealership's loaner when Prius owners brought their car into service. Excellent shape, and I get a better warranty than if I were to have bought a new one.