I have been very disappointed with the factory installed iPod integration on my Prius 2010 (with Nav) purchased 10/20/2009. Most of the reasons that make it entirely unusable have been well outlined in the previous discussions, but I wanted to add one more point. For those who enjoy audio books on their iPod, the Prius integration is particularly insulting. Every time the vehicle is turned off, the Prius looses the book mark and goes back to the beginning of the chapter. Fast-forwarding to the time you were at when you stopped the vehicle is entirely impractical (it would require you first to write down the time in your audio books before you turned the car off, then, when you restarted the car, to tediously fast-forward to where you left off). I called the Toyota Customer Experience Center (800 331-4331) to inquire about this "feature" and they told me "the engineers had designed it this way", but that if "enough people complained about it they would consider changing it". So, if you enjoy audio books on your iPod, please call the number above and let them know that you prefer not to go back to the beginning of the chapter each time you get in the car!!!!!
Thanks for the heads up on this "feature". We typically listen to audiobooks on the 10hr ride to OH to visit family for the holidays. This would be very annoying as we make multiple pit stops along the way (fewer now that we have the Prius!)
DSLOT, Try this as a possible solution: disconnect your ipod BEFORE turning off the car, it will not loose your spot. Additionally, if the audiobook is played in the Prius via bluetooth, I think the only functions available are "play" and "pause." I too listen to audiobooks on my iPhone and am struggling with the limitations of the Prius interface. Like you, I have a V-AT and was a bit shocked and disappointed that the iPod/iPhone interface was not more plug-n-play. Obviously the "AT" does not pertain to the hand-held type of technology. :angry: Thank you for calling Toyota and sharing with PC how we can voice our frustration about this technical step backwards.
DSLot, I noticed on iTunes there's an option for "bookmark". It's not accessible to me right now, otherwise I'd be able to walk you through it. However, I have this turned on & mine picks up right where it left off. (Note: this is an iTunes function, not a Prius USB function.)
Another iTunes fix is to check the "remember playback position" button in the "Options" panel for your audiobook. (the name may have slightly changed with the most current iTunes version.) Select the entire audiobook, (command A), then "get info" (command I), then go to "options." Using this feature allows the iPod/iPhone to remember it's track location after syncing. Not exactly your problem but it may come in handy for your situation.
I figured out the problem. It has nothing to do with Toyota or the iPod. Rather, it is due to Audible.com's digital rights management software. If you download your audiobook from Audible.com, it is not an MP3 file. It has an extension *.AAC that restricts the use of the file. It works fairly seamlessly with the iPod. But it confuses the hell out of the Prius. If you purchase your Audiobook from Barnes and Noble, Amazon, or any other source that does not use DRM software, the iPod will remember where you left off listening to the book when you turn off the car. I have contacted Audible.com to inform them of this. Ironically, Audible.com is now owned by Amazon. So hopefully they will drop the DRM software soon. Otherwise, I would recommend purchasing your audiobooks elsewhere.
Make sure you have updated to the latest version of the software on your ipod. I had the same problem with my iphone which made listening to an audio book on a long road trip really difficult. But the latest iphone upgrade resolved that problem and listening to an audiobook was flawless on my last road trip.
hmmm. interesting. i have a "plain" 2010...i guess. i plug my ipod into the audio jack and play it. i listen mostly to talk radio podcasts which are not books but do require (or least prefer) that u can do multiple starts and stops since many of these segments are 60 or more minutes. (i tend to drive in 15-40 minute segments) it would be a bummer if i had to reset it everytime i got into the car.