Seems we need some clarification. We've been inundated with troll/FUD postings for the last several days. Several have posted the same things repeatedly and dishonestly under multiple names, one under at least three names that I can identify. I've pointed this out and flagged threads and others have as well. Tony posted in another thread that he locked: But with that he left up an apparently phoney post by the OP taking shots at us. So what is going on? Are we supposed to pretend like trolls aren't trolls and they are just poor victims of those mean Prius owners? I've not received any PM's or instructions so I'm a bit bewildered by this. As far as being free to leave, if we are going to be told to tolerate blatant lies and trolls, you won't have to ask me to leave. (I've already got a lengthy ignore list for folks with whom it is impossible to have a rational conversation.)
I think you misread Tony's message. I think think the second paragraph is NOT directed at the "vigilantes" but instead at the trolls. I could be wrong about that...Though, I know for a fact that Tony is also trying to tell all of us that if we contribute to the troll's antics by pouring gasoline on their tiny troll fires, the vigilantes could be rebuffed doesn't do any good to try to beat them down with aggressive antics, that just fans their tiny troll flames. (I'm as guilty as any of the vigilantes. I am not one to cause trouble, I'm more of a bridge-builder in real life. But, I dont' tolerate abuse of others or stand for injustice, that's when i typically jump in and, unfortunately, my normal course of action is to use word-violence against their word-violence.)
Well Shawn, that's a good question, isn't it? Although you and I don't personally agree on things 100% of the time, we appear to be able to keep it civil Some of the recent threads/posts were downright hilarious. I personally am still waiting to hear how one can do selective oxidation without catalysts. Apparently, everything I learned as an engineer was wrong! Imagine how much money the petrochemical industry alone could save just by not having to dink around with catalysts! Billions a year .... think of all the jobs saved. It's so funny, I need a barley pop
Sometimes I slip and say things I shouldn't say. Tony should put my over his knees and smack my bare bottom. Oops that is probably a bit naughty for PC.
You realize it is Thanksgiving in the states tomorrow? Some poor PC'er is going to read that and have the mental image stuck in his head all through his turkey dinner.
It's pretty simple..."Don't Feed the Trolls". Once you respond to the drivel you are doing as much harm to the site as the troll who started things is. You can 'try' civil responses, but don't expect it to be fruitful. The vast majority of the original trolls have been banned or blocked. A few have reregistered. But if we quit feeding them they'll lose interest and, eventually, crawl back under their bridges where they can continue to Prius-bash in their own little circle jerk.
I appreciate people with different viewpoints that can express them in a civil way. However, when there is someone posting rudely, name calling or such, the worst thing to do is respond in kind. If it is a borderline case, give them the benifit of the doubt and respond with facts and reason. They will show themselves as a troll soon enough if that is what they are. And if they truly are looking for information/input they AND we may learn something.
One of the posts I responded to earlier today (OK I admit I was a little mean) was someone trying to drive traffic to his site. You can tell they don't want conversation. They paste the name of their website in a post respond a couple times and then disappear. You can tell they have no intention of discussion. They are just trying to drive traffic to their site. As long as people are going to their site with a unique IP address they are able to generate income. Instead of advertising their site and generating traffic the old fashioned way they come over here paste their site name in a bunch of emails and try to make us mad and go over to their site.
I can assure you we could care less about traffic at, we get plenty most of us really just want to discuss and debate with people with a diff. view, there no hidden motives.
I often give the long-time members the benefit of the doubt. At the same time, I often expect a higher degree of maturity from long-time members. There are many here who report a post with a comment such as "you might want to keep an eye on this one" or "I'm not sure but this guy doesn't sound genuine." And then they never touch it again. There are some who report a post and when we go to check on it, we find that the person who reported the post is name-calling and being generally more abusive than the original poster. To me, this is akin to finding an average citizen kicking the shit out of someone claiming "I feared he was going to mug me but it's okay because I already called the police and they'll take over in a minute or two." In both cases, we talk about it in our Mods Forum. We look at the OP and we try to decide what to do. We are all well-versed in the forum rules and we know when someone has and has not violated the rules. When someone has not violated any rules, there is nothing we can do. Personally, I would arrest the guy kicking the alleged mugger. So who was I addressing in my second paragraph? Everyone. I draw no distinction between long-term residents and newbies. Everyone who knows how to follow the Terms of Service is welcomed to stay. Those who can't are welcomed to leave.
Who is this forum for? neither of those that you've listed above. It's for Prius enthusiasts and non-enthusiasts alike. It's for anyone to drop by and learn more about the Prius and Hybrid Synergy Drive. We have plenty of knowledge people on board here that can go at lengths to help anyone understand the complexity and the inner workings of HSD and the Prius. We also have plenty of knowledgeable people here that can work with electronics and help you install iPod kits, foglights, EV Drive mode and can point you to starting points for nearly any mod you desire. If we are to expect this kind of assistance in the future, we need to keep the bickering to a minimum. This forum has grown substantially from when I first joined and the knowledge base has grown immensely. The forum has garnered more attention than we could've ever imagine. As you can guess, the bigger the crowd, the harder it is to control because there are going to be varied opinions and we have to learn to accept others opinions and not try to enforce our own values onto others. Forums are for advice not for lectures. If anyone decides to disturb the peace, let them. The sooner they find out this place is boring, the sooner they leave. If we start arguing, then you leave a trail of destruction (remember everything's recorded/cached on the internet). I know some of you want to dispell misconceptions but you're talking to the wrong crowd. Educate those that will listen. To those that want to come here and discuss, first impressions are important. If you come here storming about a puny tin can, you're not gonna get a civil discussion no matter how real your intent was. /end soapbox
New is the key word. Troll implies someone from the outside fishing for a bite. Unforunately, if you frequent other sites you'll notice that there are some from the inside dropping bait... hoping to entice... but they never get that label. It's causes confusion when they routinely witness feeding and are now on a forum wants to avoid it in all flavors. Oddly, some forums actually encourage behavior like that. They want lively discussions and allow participation well beyond the tolerances we are use to. What I get a kick out of is how incredibly shallow some of their arguments are. The data is cherry-picked, commented are insulting, and questions are evaded. It's pretty easy to see that their attempt to greenwash will simply burnout if given the opportunity to takes its course. .
Once again i can assure you that i am not trying to divert traffic to our site. how many times must i try to get you to understand this???There was some bad happenings this week, and i admit, i was angry about it at first, but have taken a step outside of the box and put some different thought into the whole mess. Im trying to be civil, with everyone, including you sir. I dont know what your problem is, but it shouldnt be with me. We get PLENTY of traffic at our site( wont mention the name anymore). Please let this dead horse lie.. there is no need to beat it anymore. :thumb:
This site is for Prius owners. I thank all who are helpful, and I try to be helpful to others in need to questions about their Prius. Great site and a great car. dbcassidy
Oh man, Rob. You missed the obvious one: :deadhorse: I particularly like the one in the front that appears to bite the horse's face.
I suppose that's for me. I was hoping that PC'ers would be open minded enough to listen. At least those I talk to in person seem willing to listen. Some are even asking for data from non-Prius owners. Are these requests from them simply in jest with no intention of reading the replies to their questions?
Why do you make that assumption? The statement was speaking only of those who refuse to listen. If you are one of those, I guess it was meant for you. However, from what I have seen of your posts, you are not one of those that refuse to listen. So I don't think it was directed at you.