I'm considering a 2010 Prius but I have read posts about traction control causing shutdown on gravel hills. My gravel driveway in the mountains is 7/10 of a mile long, packed, and well maintained -- any 2-wheel drive vehicle can make it up just fine. But if the gravel gets dry and a bit loose, a 2-wheel drive vehicle might kick out some gravel around a steep switchback. I also have a straight section that is steep, almost 17% grade. There, too, when the gravel gets very dry, you throw a few pieces of gravel, but not much, with 2-wheel drive. If wet leaves are on the road, a tire might slip momentarily as well, but you keep going. In a regular car, that is. I see several posts on the second generation. Headquarters says that in the 2010 model the TRAC has been improved, but to ask real users... How does the 2010 Prius do? Happy trails, Carolyn
My advice would be to rent one if possible for a day or two and see how it does. The Gen III traction control has been improved. I can go anywhere my 97 Camry could go if that helps.
Great suggestion and good thinking on your part to check this out before you buy the car. The traction control on my '05 would have most likely bogged down part way up your driveway. The Gen III is supposedly better but I haven't seen any hard proof yet. As already suggested, rent one for a few days and check it out for yourself. Good luck. PS: As an afterthought, if you're near Boone, I'd be happy to give your driveway a whirl with my Gen III and see how it does. I'd love to see how it compares to my '05
Save your rental money and let the dealer who wants to sell you one take one on a test drive. Drive it home on a dry day and test it. Any good dealer will let you do that.
Awhile back I reported on a mountain road trip in our 2010 Prius where, among other things, we climbed a muddy dirt road with around a 20% slope, with no problems at all.
Thank you all for the good suggestions. I had planned to get the dealer to allow me to drive home, although I live one hour from the dealership. But I still like hearing your stories, and look forward to some more. Carolyn
The dealer may not have a Gen3 loaner car, most small dealerships use new cars off the lot for test drives and don't want to put very many miles on them. If that turns out to be true ask them for a used Gen2. If the Gen2 can make it up your driveway a Gen3 certainly will.
Good advice about renting one. I've nearly gotten stuck on one of my nature preserves because of steep roads with deep gravel. Just a little bit of spin and I would bog down and come to a complete stop. I would then have to back down the hill and try charging back up again. It took about 4 tries to finally make it. That is not something you want to do on a daily basis. To be fair my 2005 has much more agressive traction control than the newer models.
? Has much more aggressive traction control? You mean less don't you? Or did you modify your 2005? The 2010 is supposed to have refined traction control right?
Aggresive in the sense that it kicks in aggressively and obtrusively bogging down the car as a result.
Ah, thanks for the clarification. The improved traction control was one of the big reasons right after FE for really considering the Prius. It does a wonderful job too.
actually a bit of an understatement. in the 2005, you could not really spin your tires at all. not true in the 2010. there was a video done by Tidelands Prius demo'ing the TRAC, ABS and VSC in snow and ice. tires do now spin.
Yeah, saw the video and thanks Jon for that... I have yet to thrash around on mine. Just can't get myself to do it.
He means more agressive in that the traction control will activate to kill power to the wheels more quickly than the later, less agressive traction control which will allow some more slip before activation.
http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii-2010-prius-main-forum/70557-tested-out-trac-vsc-abs-tonight.html scroll down. post 10 and 11