Hello All, I'm new to this site as well as to the Hybrid scene. I just got my 2005 Prius about a month ago and I'm really happy thus far. All my life I've been into horsepower and muscle-cars, and I recently sold my 95 Pontiac Firebird Formula to be able to put down a decent down-payment on the Prius. It's silver with the package #3 (BI) option. I paid sticker price which was 22,800 but I couldn't believe that the dealership marked them 6 grand above sticker!!! In any case, I've filled my tank twice and I averaged 47mpg the first time and today I re-filled getting a satisfying 50.7 mpg, which includes mostly highway driving and a trip with lots of steep hills. I'm very impressed with the mileage as I was averaging about 18 mpg in the Firebird. My question is, once you get down to empty and the light starts flashing "add fuel," about how long of a range do you have? My came up this morning on the way to work and I drove about 6 miles to the nearest gas station. When I filled only 10.4 gallons fit indicating 1.5 gallons remaining. How long have you all driven after the light starts flashing. Love the site, LT1bird
Your question has an answer: it depends. First off, the fuel gage is nonlinear, so pips dropping on the gage isn't a good measure of gallons used or gallons remaining. Second, there is a bladder in the fuel tank which often will not act as you would expect with any other regular tank. Your assumption may have been correct that there might have been about a gallon of fuel left, however there have been folks who have gotten the blinking fuel low indicator and have traveled many more miles before fueling up, and there are those that get the blinking pip and end up going to electric in a very short period of time after the warning started. I make it a point to refuel on 1 or 2 pips. I never wait for it to flash. I also do not try to assume how much fuel I have left because it is just too difficult and varies so much, again because of the bladder and the guess gage.
Congradulations LtBird...you are getting good performance. I got mine about 3 weeks ago, I live in Tx and it is SUMMER, hot..lots of AC. My trips are shorter, and more of them..my gas mileage is only slightly better then 40. Going to Houston, and will put about 200 miles on the car so I expect I will see better performance. My son likes muscle cars., but I think down the road he will outgrow that adrenalin. Hey there is nothing worse then running gas out of a fuel injected engine, you know that..fill up at one or two bars or by miles driven which should be 400-450 miles, go for 500 only when the car says it averaged well over 50 (something I hope to see someday!). Congrads and good luck. Silver 2005 PCKG "B", nothing fancy..just the basics!!
I'd say you have about 1-2 gallons left when it starts blinking. Be careful about judging your distance to empty using the tank average MPG on the display though. You could do superb over most of the tank, and happen to be in an environment providing a much lower MPG when in the blink, which won't easily be reflected by its numbers.
I recently read on some board somewhere that the driver went 103 miles until he ran out of gas once the indicator started flashing.