Anxiously waiting a result here. Im thinking about trying the 9.1 in my 2007 but dont know if its any diff from 8.1 as far as compatibility. Does anyone know if the nav hack(using a switch) will also work for these later editions? Thanks
Although making a working copy for yourself is do-able if you're using the right burner and highest quality media, I found my increased success rate required a tiny little software program from the UK (still available, but the company was er, 'shut down' so to speak) called DVD decrypter v3.5 which made the success rate jump to over 90%. That said, I've also discovered that sometimes one THINKS they made a coaster, when in fact the DVD WILL work. For one reason or another, sometimes the DVD hardware reader simply needs a few minutes to read the disk, but in the mean time, the MFD will state there was an error. Folks having issues may want to try the disk again, with a little wait time. Ya never know. .
can some one please confirm that ? have you actually had success with older models like 2001-2003 models toyota, lexus and 2006-08 prius ?
Besides the software (ie the map data DVD), cars have hardware (ie the DVD reader), and each map program has to be compatable/designed for your particular hardware. So the fact that you have a perfect copy (or original) DVD does NOT mean it'll automatically work in another Prius. It has to be designed for your particular hardware. For example, our prius has a version 4 DVD reader, our Lexus DVD reader is more modern, and your Prius hardware is older.
okay now I dont think you know what you are talking about it is a very basic info that prius 2004-2005 use generation 4 hardware and and prius 2006 -2009 use gen 5. copy of gen 4 works perfectly fine copy of gen 5 works on all other cars who have gen 5 hardware beside prius 2006-2009. considering verbatim is the best out there I have used it with no success . I have also used memorex ... makes no difference. the copies where exact copies including the bit set of DVD ROM. the only and only difference is the Parallel vs. opposite direction of data written on original vs. copy (which no user can change these settings) and the media type which is unknown about the original so no way to know how to match that.
I was able to make backups for gen 5 for 7.1, but I have not been able to make a working copy of 8.1. I don't have 9.1 to try yet.
I have a 2005 Prius and was wondering how to take the KWI file from the nav disk I currently have (with the override menu) and combine it with a new nav disk data. I've tried searching here, but for some reason, the search feature comes up with no threads containing KWI. Brian
Pretty sure it does. I have yet to get a "fully reliable" copy working, but I have a 8.1 disc with an 05' kwi in my gen 4 2004 Prius. Searching for POI hardly ever works and searching by address is slightly finicky at times but the maps and override are working... I've tried Ritek and Verbatim (Both DVD+R DL's) on 2 different burners multiple times. Both brands reliably work from one burner and NOT from the other. That reader in the Prius is definitely picky... Levi
I think I just happened to stumble on the thread at some point, not exactly sure where now... You should be able to take your 05' disc and place it in a DVD reader and copy the loading.kwi to your computer. Then you need to make an iso of your new disc and the tricky part is finding software that will let you edit that iso. I *think* it was UltraISO that I ended up using. Then you just delete the version of loading.kwi from your new disc and copy in the 2005 version. Then the REALLY hard part is getting a reliable copy burnt to a new disc... Levi
with version 9.1 tha patch acts up a lot wasnt worth the override tried it in 2005 prius gen 4 navigation sysytems are very good with copied dvds gen 2/3 sucks specially in 200-2003 cars gen 5 has problem with some cars only , prius is one of them
Levi, let me make sure I understand the plan here. 1. Get the new 9.1 disk for the '05 Prius 2. Make an ISO of the 9.1 disk 3. Take my original disk from my '05 Prius 4. Copy the loading.kwi file off of my original disk 5. Use UltraISO to replace the loading.kwi in the 9.1 ISO with the loading.kwi that I copied off my original disk 6. Burn that updated ISO and put it in the car 7. Enjoy the 9.1 map data with the old override trick Am I missing anything besides potential burning issues here? As a general question. If the burn of the hybrid old/new disk doesn't work, I just put my original disk back in, correct? Also, if I put in the unaltered 9.1 disk, I lose my override sequence. If I put my original disk in, do I get the override sequence back? Thanks! Brian
As far as I know that's it. But apparently there are comments that 9.1 might not work as well as earlier versions... Old disc going back in after trying a failed hybrid will keep you just as you were. The answer I see most often is that once a 2006 or newer disc goes in your override is lost forever. However, I *thought* I saw a post somewhere about opening the Nav unit itself and finding a reset switch to allow you to go back to the 05' disc... But I'd call that iffy at best... Levi
It took some looking and the pictures don't seem to be there anymore, but here it is:
Old thread, but did anybody figure out how to make the copy work on older Prius. I got my 2007 and it's hard to make copies for this. If anybody find out something since this thread will be much appreciated. Good forum, glad to be a member!
Welcome to PC rufa, Besides this OLD thread, there are several other 'how-to' threads here ... and also at 'toyotanation'. There are several variables to accomplish your task, and you don't provide enough info for anyone to walk you through. When you say 'old' prius, you're most likely not refering to the oldest, because pre 2007 had even older DVD hardware. When you try to mod a map disk, you have to consider the version of your DVD machine, and whether you have installed a lockpick type device (some newer dvd disk versions cause them to not work) as well as (previously stated here) using very high quality copy software and disks. I believe your 2007 may be the first year that the MFD's maintenance screens were removed as a feature, so at least you don't have to worry about loosing that functionality.
Thank you for your reply, my dvd burner that I have many of them that support DL burning. So shouldn't be an issue. I have been reading over the last couple of days on how to do so to create a copy that really works on this and the toyotanation. I have both Verbatim ( first version ) and Memorex DL blank dvd, I got only my hands over 8.1 version of Navigation but still better than the 6.1 that comes with Prius 2007 Gen 5. I'm considering the lockpick from Coastal but honest to tell you, some people having a side effect of getting such lockpick. So the answer currently will be no, the car is still virgin. Please let me know if I miss something.