the narrowest dimension of the trunk, in inches? Ie: the distance between the bottom of the rear wheel "bumps." Thanks much.
No probs, I was just pointing out we still need an answer for you. No doubt a G III owner with a tape measure comes by soon.
Gen III, Model V 39" narrowest point at bottom (near wheel well) 46" @ 12" above the wheel well protrusion
Yes, depending what you are looking for, the narrowest part of the hatchback is actually at the top next to the hinge for the hatchback door. It narrows in to 36" at the top.
I drive an 02 Accord sedan and I was curious how much smaller the Prius maybe. I'm pretty sure the Prius can store my hockey gear no problem while the back seats are up.
We changed from an 02 Accord to a 2010 Prius. We prefer driving the Prius and find the hatchback much more versatile for carrying large items.