<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(bshef\";p=\"102668)</div> Funny, you base your seeing the movie after reading only one opinion?
I'll go see War of the Worlds; I don't like Cruise either, but Spielberg did a great job with Minority Report (and Cruise was in that), and I assume a base level of quality from him these days. However, I'd have to say (to my immense surprise) that Batman Begins has been my favorite summer picture so far. PS I hated Independence Day. Push-button plotting and characterizations, with glaring stupidities throughout. When Earth wins in the end, it's treated like a Miller beer commercial. (If they could have fit in girls in bikinis for the Pres and Will Smith, they would have.)
I really have no interest in seeing yet another Americanized bastardized version of "War of the Worlds". I'm going to wait for the authentic movie adaptation, due out soon. [web:0d3f489694]http://www.pendragonpictures.com/WOTWKEY.html[/web:0d3f489694]
[Broken External Image]:http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v150/bshef/dream.gif ummmmmm pancakes.......their not just for breakfast anymore.... Phil for Admin....... ps....I also heard Batman is hawt! :mrgreen:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(CAStaszak\";p=\"102789)</div> GUFFAW! The words heart and meaning go with Independence Day (the movie) about as well as they do with XXX or The Fast and the Furious. I find more heart and meaning in my breakfast cereal. I haven't seen WotW yet but if it's got less heart and meaning than Independence Day (which I'm not sure is possible) then it's completely worthless.
I am not a big Cruise fan but Minority Report was a good movie. WotW I heard was pretty good. I take what actors and actresses say with a grain of salt. Sometimes I think they talk before they engage their brains. I do not think Cruise adequately argued his point about the psychiatrists. All I seemed to get out of the interview was him attacking and berating the interviewer.
Cruise is a good actor, I just overlook his public life..some have said the movie is not so good..I am going to wait for the videos
Cruise a good actor? If he was ugly, would he even have a career? Cartoon character fighter pilot, TV series exaggerated spy, unconvincing military lawyer... I just don't find him believable in his roles. Isn't that what acting is supposed to do?
i didnt watch it for the acting. its mostly special effects. to make a movie out of it, they had to throw in several moral delimmas in it so it would have some "do-right" debate issues to discuss afterwards. nice try but nearly as unrealistic as the finale. although i must admit its plausible and thats all it has to be... after all, its just a movie. another benefit of it was seeing the first previews for King Kong, the new Peter Jackson flick....sigh... that is the problem with those down under directors... they think summer blockbuster means releasing the movie in December...
I think Cruise acting the way he has been shows the real worth of anything he has to say. At 42 he is acting like his 22? y/o fiancée. Jumping on couches and screaming out - ok he is really acting like a 16y/o with his first GF. If you watch an interview of his fiancée, she does similar stuff but with less jumping and yelling. So he has brought himself down to the maturity level of a teenager to date a young woman and he is really embarrassing himself. As for what he says, would you really listen to any other 16y/o boy in love with a girl flapping his mouth off? He just sounds like an idiot to me. As for his movies, I hope he does not let this stuff affect them because I really do enjoy good acton flicks. I don't see them for the great acting though, just the story, effects and action. The same goes with Clint Eastwood, I hate his politics but love watching his old movies.
i watched cruise in the movie because it was unavoidable if i wanted to see the latest speilberg had to offer. however, watching his interviews was easy to ignore. so i guess part of the reason why he doesnt bother me much is because i have only an inkling as to the latest flap he has caused. if it werent for the 10 commercials an hour over his interview. i would be totally (and very blissfully) ignorant of anything he had to say.
Re: Prius and War of the World Cruise = 0 Aliens = 8 TC is a jerk. Unbelivable that someone who believes in a religion started on a bet by sci-fi writer can discredit psychology and counseling with a straight face. Our son said it well, "fun movie except for Tom Cruise." That said, the aliens in War of the Worlds are amazing; unrelentingly destructive, and doing even more damage to the environment than corporate America under Bush on a roll. Ever wonder how "commando-in-chief" George Bush would handle these guys?
Re: Prius and War of the World <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Bob Allen\";p=\"103187)</div> Isn't it obvious? He'd attack Iraq.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(bookrats\";p=\"102818)</div> Jeff: If you look at Independence Day as a satire, it's great fun. It IS full of glaring stupidities, but I thought that was part of the hilarity. My two favorite scenes: The TV announcer warns the people of LA against firing guns at the huge saucer hanging overhead....and Will Smith disables the Mothership with an Apple Computer. Very much a parody of "Childhood's End". War of the Worlds, I think, does a credible job of portraying what an alien invasion might be like, although it, like every other sci fi "alien invasion story" ignores the two questions: Where these aliens could possibly have come from, given the huge distances in light years they would need to traverse? How would they get here? Bob
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Bob Allen\";p=\"103190)</div> And the 3rd big question: WHY would they come here? :mrgreen: (And if you say "NASCAR", :guns: ) [hr:70eb8791dd] "Your superior intelligence is no match for our puny weapons!"
Cruise couldn't act his way out of a paper bag compared to Kidman. Boy did she show him up in that relationship. And yes, when I saw the first Independence Day trailer I assumed someone had adapted Childhood's End. Alas, it wasn't to be...