Re: So called "scientists" fake data to promote GW religion - for years! Did you post the whole thing from another web site? That isn't ethical, and I suspect is a breach of PC policy. You can post a teaser and a link to the original article.
Re: So called "scientists" fake data to promote GW religion - for years! What is highly amusing is that you are EXACTLY like those zombies you speak of because you post drivel without any knowledge of geographic systems and climate science. Actually, the main difference between you and the zombies is they actually care enough to be alarmed instead of worrying about their tax rate.
Re: So called "scientists" fake data to promote GW religion - for years! Ugg, the article actually quoted someone from the Competetive Enterprise Institute! Jesus christ, what is wrong with you people?
Re: So called "scientists" fake data to promote GW religion - for years! Yep, the whole thing seems to be about the money doesn't it? "said Ebell, whose group is funded in part by energy companies."
Re: So called "scientists" fake data to promote GW religion - for years! The docbooks troll/spammer strikes again.
Re: So called "scientists" fake data to promote GW religion - for years! This is some serious $h!t - I mean read some of the alleged emails. These "scientists" are looking only for one answer and they are pursuing an agenda. Yes, you can criticize CEI and others in the blogosphere, but these emails speak volumes about the lack of integrity of these "scientists". Here's an example: Dear Professor Briffa, my apologies for contacting you directly, particularly since I hear that you are unwell. However the recent release of tree ring data by CRU has prompted much discussion and indeed disquiet about the methodology and conclusions of a number of key papers by you and co-workers. As an environmental plant physiologist, I have followed the long debate starting with Mann et al (1998) and through to Kaufman et al (2009). As time has progressed I have found myself more concerned with the whole scientific basis of dendroclimatology. In particular; 1) The appropriateness of the statistical analyses employed 2) The reliance on the same small datasets in these multiple studies 3) The concept of "teleconnection" by which certain trees respond to the "Global Temperature Field", rather than local climate 4) The assumption that tree ring width and density are related to temperature in a linear manner. Whilst I would not describe myself as an expert statistician, I do use inferential statistics routinely for both research and teaching and find difficulty in understanding the statistical rationale in these papers. As a plant physiologist I can say without hesitation that points 3 and 4 do not agree with the accepted science. There is a saying that "extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof". Given the scientific, political and economic importance of these papers, further detailed explanation is urgently required. Yours sincerely, Dr. Don Keiller. At least Don Keiller is standing up for scientific integrity. The others (Briffa, Jones, etc) should be ashamed.
Re: So called "scientists" fake data to promote GW religion - for years! Yeah - someone faked 10+ years of emails, showing intimate knowledge of the scientists, their work, their travel schedules, etc. And while they were at it, faked another 60 mb of scientific data. Mm-hmm - all pure fiction. Which is why Hadley has already admitted it's real. Yep - fiction. The only fiction here is the fiction of catastrophic global warming. The jig is up.
Re: So called "scientists" fake data to promote GW religion - for years! Hey F8L. Long time. Of course we are still on the opposite ends of this! But really, you of all people should be appalled. You should read some of the emails. As a scientist (or at least someone who understands the scientific method), I would think you would be shocked. Really. That may not change your view on climate change overall, but it ought to gravely concern you regarding the state of science. I mean come on, pressuring journals not to publish, colluding to subvert FOI requests regarding scientific data, etc. Not a good sign for science.
Re: So called "scientists" fake data to promote GW religion - for years! Hola Tim I agree that if true and not taken out of context that this is just plain bad behavior for scientists. Unlike most of the trolls we have in this forum I choose not to abandon my senses and react to this sudden news item until enough time has passed to properly assess the situation. There is more to this than the media and the "skeptic" blogs would have you believe or are tricking people into believing. Most scientists I work with are VERY careful not to let their biases taint their data but there are people in the world who are not so selfless in their efforts to promote sound science. Usually those people get weeded out by peers, not blogs, Joe the Plumber or the PC Political troll. Jan Hendrik Schon is a prime example of this.
Re: So called "scientists" fake data to promote GW religion - for years! Notice the standard denialist troll technique of titling this as "GW Religion." This from the same types who have nearly uniformly stated that they don't "believe" man could affect climate. Note that they haven't said it has been proven, but that simply don't believe it could be true. This is one of the most common conservative techniques: portray science as religion. It's a standard Rovian tactic: attempting to turn your opponent's strength into his weakness (see Swiftboating.) It's kind of hard to argue effectively against a well supported scientific consensus when your basis is one of faith rather than data or fundamental physical principles. So the Rovian techniques is to label those in opposition as followers of some nefarious religion.
Re: So called "scientists" fake data to promote GW religion - for years! I think you are onto something Shawn, some people can't get their head around that when they die they become nothing but worm food so they have a belief there is a place we go after death. This is totally understandable in that as long as they have has consciousness they have been. To contemplate not being is just too hard. In the same vein, to believe they are harming the planet they will leave to their children and some of that harm was done while supporting and nurturing those same children, is beyond some people's ability.
Nice insults. Sounds like you are for AGW. What do you think about this hacking exposing a lot of coverup? How does it affect your stance on things? And your faith in the data?
Re: So called "scientists" fake data to promote GW religion - for years! Maybe we should ignore these trolls, by not responding to their drivel. We are wasting key strokes responding to them, Icarus
Re: So called "scientists" fake data to promote GW religion - for years! :bump2: Hackers steal electronic data from top climate research center
Re: So called "scientists" fake data to promote GW religion - for years! Bad behavior? How about criminal behavior - Hmmmmmm?
Re: So called "scientists" fake data to promote GW religion - for years! Ok, I've come to the conclusion that docbrooks does not have the capacity to argue points and his antics are less than desirable so I'll add him to the ignore list so I can actually get through these posts without nonsense flying about. Tim, looks like you're the only one left who makes sense. Thanks bud.
Re: So called "scientists" fake data to promote GW religion - for years! When Florida and New Orleans are disappearing beneath the waves the deniers will still be complaining about what awful people those scientists are.
Re: So called "scientists" fake data to promote GW religion - for years! Not awful --- just lying, fabricating and manipulative.
Re: So called "scientists" fake data to promote GW religion - for years! That conclusion took you quite awhile -- are you feeling alright?