Google safe browse under Mac and Safari is giving warnings. Interestingly the message is about which, for all I know, could be the underlying part of priuschat. Probably someone inserted malicious code into a post. Like any forum be careful of what you click on!
I talked to Evan about this yesterday but this was before anyone else seemed to be having problems so I thought it was just me. I tested other websites and had zero issues. Only PC produced them. Vista and IE here and the pop-up warnging from AVG come nearly everytime I click on a thread.
Info from another site's webmaster: One of the most popular plugins that tons of forums run (VBSEO) has been compromised, and many forums will be having errors about Centiyo, such as "Visiting This Site May Harm Your Computer". It's caused by VBSEO. Disable, then update VBSEO. Then if you're a webmaster, go into your Vbulletin templates and remove any code about it from the HEADER part of your template, on ALL styles. Search your templates for "Centiyo". Tweak3D users: I will be updating VBSEO now, which may explain all these problems for the next few hours. Changing your password is recommended on any forums running Vbulletin. Info from Google: Safe Browsing Diagnostic page for What is the current listing status for Site is listed as suspicious - visiting this web site may harm your computer. Part of this site was listed for suspicious activity 1 time(s) over the past 90 days. What happened when Google visited this site? Of the 2 pages we tested on the site over the past 90 days, 0 page(s) resulted in malicious software being downloaded and installed without user consent. The last time Google visited this site was on 2009-11-18, and suspicious content was never found on this site within the past 90 days. Malicious software includes 30 trojan(s). This site was hosted on 1 network(s) including AS39150 (VLTELECOM). Has this site acted as an intermediary resulting in further distribution of malware? Over the past 90 days, appeared to function as an intermediary for the infection of 5 site(s) including,, Has this site hosted malware? No, this site has not hosted malicious software over the past 90 days. How did this happen? In some cases, third parties can add malicious code to legitimate sites, which would cause us to show the warning message. Next steps: Return to the previous page. If you are the owner of this web site, you can request a review of your site using Google Webmaster Tools. More information about the review process is available in Google's Webmaster Help Center. Updated 6 hours ago
I'm running Mac/Safari and have the problem. Some observations: * Sometimes I get a PriusChat screen, then it is immediately overlaid by the warning screen. * Before this situation, when I put the cursor over a thread title I got a mini-view of the first post in the thread. Now I don't get the mini-view. * When in the "Reply to Thread" screen, using the "Preview Post" button gets only a blank screen. I guess the big question is whether this is happening in my computer or somwhere else. :noidea: :help:
Just before I shut down for the night, last night around midnight MST, things were working properly again, but this morning at 7:AM MST, the AVG warnings are back. I'm on Windows 7 w/ IE8 and AVG.
Running a Mac with Safari 3.2.3 Never had a problem until last night and now every page I click on gives me the Malware warning. Annoying for sure, but it sounds like ggood has figured out what's going on. Maybe a moderator wants to chime in? Hope it gets fixed soon!
I think we've all established that something on the PC server is triggering these warnings. What we need now is for an Admin here to take a look and report back. And anyone not running up to date AV needs to update and check their systems to ensure nothing nasty is being injected when visiting here. Hope you guys get it fixed soon as I can't easily browse the site at present with the warnings popping up for every page here.
I found a problem with one of the adds that runs (don't remember which one - it was light blue in color). When you run your cursor over the add as you scroll down to enter a forum, the add would get bigger, and Firefox would lock up. I'm guessing there is a script running that's not nice (I have settings to allow this to run). When that banner add is running, I have to be very careful with the cursor. EDIT: It is the "Clear{something} add that causes issues for me - there is a box for a "roll over quiz" - this causes issues. I don't understand why this thread was buried - there is a real issue that should be in the main forum.
Ditto. Google Chrome is giving me the same message. But, Firefox proceeds with no warning. Either way, this forum has landed on someone malware watch list.
Note: I'm getting the same thing using Safari. Moreover, I can't seem to transfer over to Advanced Reply mode. This situation has just occurred this morning. I've never had a problem before now...
Sorry, guys. There was an exploit in one of the pieces of software that PC uses. A security patch has been released and I've applied it. If anyone sees anything else funky, please let me know!
Good work Danny, never a dull moment when you run a forum eh! Happy to report no more alerts this end.
I'm running adblock (somebody tell me when that annoying ad that covers everything goes away and I'll turn it off for PC again), but Avira still stopped me from coming to the Board. Since Danny fixed it, though, there's no prob.
I'll note that NONE of you actually tried to *diagnose* the problem. A hundred instances of "I got a warning too!" comes nowhere near taking a look at the HTML source of what's triggering them and figuring out the root cause. And I'll also note that none of you finally decided "okay, this javascript nonsense has just gone too far, I'm hereby turning it off forever". Eventually I expect to start seeing that advice from more people, but probably not until their computers are a smoking ruin. . _H*
not my job... I got tired of diagnosing PCs as a hobby a long time ago and got a mac. I also never spent much time with html. FYI, for the Safari users - there is a fraudulent site warning setting under the security settings in the preferences for Safari. It can be turned on and off. It's based on google safe browsing, hence the warnings we were getting from google. ...and how were we to know if it was safe to turn that off in this case anyway? If I hadn't been running a mac, I probably would not have risked coming into the forums to post the info in my earlier post above.