I had a accident in April . Toyota has a recall on floor mats, I felt at the time of the accident my O4 Prius had problems with brakes. but I have driving race cars and had throttles stick it felt to me that the electric hybrid system was doing the accelerating not the engine. because I picked up speed and did not slow down. I believe toyota has part of its problem is in the anti lock brakes do not activate fast enough it like a slow processor on a computer some days it works fine other days it is slow. and has a different feel and not wanting to stop other days puts you through the window . Has anybody had any these problems with this in their pruis . I love the little car . but I feel uneasy to drive it much because I believe it may happen again. I have payed for one accident I believe is Toyota fault not my but I am not a rich person . my insurance rate have we way up.and I believe is not by my doing. anybody have any problem in this area and suggestion Thanks Victoria Harris 04 pruis [email protected]
Sounds like your Prius has the problem of delay between transition from regen braking to friction braking. It has been discuss here many times. The delay causes the car to loose braking force like for a second, it give you the sensation of momentary acceleration. Don't worry the brake works fine.
The OP has another one in a different thread that is even longer and harder to read. I just can't get myself to do it. Tom
I'm sorry to hear that. Yes, as a matter of fact, they do. The Prius is not really designed for racing, although some have used it that way. The engine is an integral part of the hybrid system. There is sometimes a slight delay between regen and friction braking, but it is on the order of a half a second or so. It should be the same speed on all days. Maybe you are pressing too hard? I haven't. The brakes are a little different, but easy to get used to. I'm glad to hear that. I'm sorry to hear that. Was Toyota driving? I'm sorry to hear that. No, it was the insurance company that raised the rate. I haven't had that problem. You're welcome. :madgrin:
sorry about some of the spelling on last post . i did not have my glass's on . no I do not race it the brake have never felt right since it was new i like the car except for that problem.
tell that to my insurance agent yea I told him and he said tell toyota that, mean while I am finally getting it finished up from the first wreck. my rate gone up. hell i driven race cars without brakes and had throttles stick. but never at the same time. they figured I hit the lady at about 50 to 60 mph by the officer but i was in contruction zone at 25 just before that I made a hard accelration on the turn light and let off the gas running 25mph and coasting and went to slow down and no stopping it seem to go faster and was more than far enough behind. I think after I get painted I will drive it to make sure everthing work then sell it.
You are driving too fast in a 25mph construction zone, admit it! The officer cannot be so much off from the estimate speed at collision. Even if he is 10 mph too high you are still 15-25 mph over speed limit. Don't blame it on the brakes. The transition from regen to friction braking only occurs at ~ 7mph, the car would have only travel ~10ft for 1 second at that speed.
Re: pruis that electric motor runs with out throttle pushed I don't dispute what the officer says but I made a hard acceleration and turn left on the light. from a dead stop. let off the gas my other foot was on the brake I brake with my left leg (I did that from my days of racing on the dirt track. )my right foot was not touching the gas pedal , as start to brake at this time, i was running about 25 to 30 mph as I push harder on the brake it kept accelerating faster . I pumped the Pedal 2 to 3 time and it felt like always does but I kept gaining speed I pushed as hard as I could on the brake petal and was looking for a place to avoid the car that I was approaching to take evasive action but it was too late when my first option was the drive way to turn in to a parking lot on my right but it was blocked by cement barriers and I was making my second choice to go between the car and the Bridge but I ran out of room and I hit the car in the right rear at the same time I was reaching for the power button, not a floor mat was in the way nor my foot on the gas I don't to this day what happen but I do know it was not my fault yes I did hit her. but I do believe their something in the car that caused this . I will probably never find out till years later. I hope it does not happen to anybody else
Sorry to hear about your situation. If that ever happens again push the gear selector to the neutral position and hold it there for a second or 2 and the car will stop accelerating and you will be able to brake as normal. Granted in some situations you may not have a second or 2 but it should be your first response to any "run away car" situation.
My natural reflex in that situation from my racing days is to hit the kill switch . or push in the clutch and let blow up, I have done before because I could not reach the kill switch.
In my racing days I would just throw it in neutral and let it bounce of the rev limiter but I never raced anything over 719rwhp. Many of us have tested a "run away Prius" exercise and putting the car in neutral takes approx. 1 second and the engine shuts down completely and the steering and brakes are unaffected. You can simply put the car back in gear again and continue driving or stop and clean your underwear after a freak run away incident. From what I can tell the real ones are very rare. It's never happened to me either. I'm glad you were not hurt.
Sorry but that is not fine. I love my Prius but if my brakes acted that way Toyota would either correct it or I would sell it. Cars have stopped without issue since the model T. I don't think we need to accept anything less. Brakes have one extremely important job. When the brake pedal is pushed they apply a steady braking force in direct relation to the force the driver applies to the pedal until either the car stops or the pedal is released. There should be absolutely no compromise here. I had to chuckle when I read the post that said that since this only happens a low speed the car would only travel an extra 10 feet before stopping. Go to any stop sign and stand on the white stop line. Wait until some traffic is approaching. Now quickly walk 10 feet straight ahead. Ooooo....that had to hurt.
Re: pruis that electric motor runs with out throttle pushed This always makes me smile. Just want to make sure I understand. To paraphrase: "I don't know what happened. I do know that, beyond any shadow of a doubt, it was somebody else's fault and not mine."
Plan on selling your Prius. This is the way they all work. It's also a common trait with many other ABS equipped automobiles, so pay attention to that when you buy your replacement car. Tom
Not only that (ABS) but you are NOT driving a race car and it is highly likely that your "brake foot" also hit the gas, there is simply not that much space there. People who drag their left foot on the brake pedal irritate me as they often rest it too hard causing them to run with their brake lights on. I am going to assume that you also have not read anything in the manual believing that your racing years makes you knowledgeable about the Prius which is very untrue. PriusChat is a great back-up to the manual. I agree with the poster who said you were definitely going too fast through a construction zone, the ABS gets engaged by some fairly minor road conditions at time and speeding around a turn is a great way to lose control of your car.