You know, it is OK to give yourself a PRIUS gift once in a while. especially with the holidays approaching, you can avoid the rush, longer shipping times, increased costs for faster shipping, etc. Just in case you were thinking of getting yourself a PRIUS t-shirt, mug, mousepad or other chotchka, I hope you will check out this big selection. It also lets others know that you drive a PRIUS even when you are not behind the wheel. Hope you enjoy them. PRIUS ENVY? Shirts & Gifts for Toyota PRIUS Owners :welcome:
I like your stickers, but I am afraid I would be inviting some of these crazies around here to mess with my car.
I used to think that way, too, and have heard this from a few others. I have never experienced that, either. I have had several bumper stickers on my car during the last few years and I've been driving a PRIUS for seven years. Also, I have never heard of anyone else who has had anything happen to their car. No one really gives a crap about anything else other than their own stuff. So, I wouldn't worry about it. So, say it LOUD: :director: I'm GREEN and I'm PROUD!
Of course, you could always forget about the bumper stickers and instead wear a PRIUS ENVY shirt, cap or us a big mug or reusable canvas tote bag to get your message across. This way you would only have to worry about bringing personal danger to yourself and not worry about someone damaging the paint finish of your car!
Do you work for Cafe Press? That link brings up a completely blank page. Tell your webmonkeys about that, ok? . _H*
No, I don't work for Cafepress, although they take a chunk of the profits so I feel like I work for them. Just an independent shopkeeper. BTW, the link works just fine when I click on it. Don't know what to tell you, maybe check your settings or update your browser. Thanks
I know exactly how my browser is set up and that it's in no need of updating. CP's site is designed wrong, making invalid assumptions about client-side setups and not conforming to w3c standards for presenting information. . _H*
Re: PRIUS chotchkas - FREE SHIPPING TODAY ONLY! Just an FYI, if you enter the code GO4CYBER, you can get your items shipped FREE if you purchase at least $75 of PRIUS chotchkas. This is for today only Nov. 30. Thanks
:director: Caps? You want caps? We got caps. Two types: PRIUS ENVY? Shirts & Gifts for Toyota PRIUS Owners PRIUS ENVY? Shirts & Gifts for Toyota PRIUS Owners You can also browse by type of item from the drop-down menu on the left side of the page. Hope you find something you like. Thanks!
BTW. if you need your special PRIUS gift by Christmas, you must place your order by Sunday Dec. 13, 11:59pm to save with economy shipping. (For U.S. orders.) Thanks! P.S. Check out the Prius Christmas tree ornaments!