Does Toyota Corporate conduct a sales survey? Or is it just the dealership that calls to ask about the sales experience?
I got both--an initial from the dealer very soon after delivery and right after the welcome gift of a box of gourmet cookies, then the corporate. Also got another survey from Toyota about the car itself and questions about just about every feature. I believe all the Toyota surveys came via email.
I think Toyota corporate only does the survey with major model changes. I received one when I bought my '04, but nothing when I bought my '09.
received a corporate survey also. salesrep even said that I would. Also said to call him if there was anything at all I couldn't rate excellent before turning in the survey. Apparently anything less than excellent requires them to take some sort of class.
All surveys come via email. Nothing is mailed out anymore. If you did not give your email to your salesperson (or the dealership did not enter it when they marked the vehicle sold to Toyota), you won't receive one.
I got one survey in the mail from the dealership, one dealership phone survey, and 2 surveys via email from Toyota corporate. The salesperson told me that he could lose his job if he gets less than excellent on even one question on the mail-in survey. He showed me a sample survey while I was filling out the paper work. The phone survey was pretty much the same as the mail-in survey.
i had Toyota corporate by email. JD power by regular mail with email reminder. and i think another one maybe from dealer also by email... i think. i don t remember now
If you believed this, how did you leverage the information? Sounds like you should have been able to get something out of it.
My salesman said he got a mark from someone that was less than excellent and the dealership fined him $120.
losing a job i think would only happen after a string of bad reviews. but losing money is very likely. i work in a business where more than 75% of my bonus is based on customer satisfaction surveys. (in my line of work, my bonus brings my pay above the poverty line so the bonus is critical)