Just wondering what people are doing for cleaning/preserving the interior finish on their '04s? Are you using any sort of interior protectant like armorall for the dash, door panels, etc? Would something else be better? Dave.
The best thing I have found for the interior plastic is 303 Protectant. This stuff is available at most boat shops or can be ordered online. It does not leave the shiny finish that Armor-All does but brings out the color nicely with a satin finish. Seems to last a long time, too.
That would make it better than Armor-All, which makes the dash too shiny and more prone to reflecting back onto the windshield. Bob
Hi: About interior cleaners, etc. We use Pledge on the windscreen of the airplane I fly with good success. It cleans the plexiglass and leaves a waxy finish that does not cause "rainbows", like an oil sheen. I tried Pledge on my Prius interior: dash, panel readout, MFD display and doors. It worked fine. The finish on the dash is not real shiny, so it doesn't add to the reflected glare on the windshield. There are various types of Pledge. I used the spray (not aerosol) intended for wood furniture. The lable says "and other surfaces" with no caveat about use on plastic. Since it works so well on aircraft windscreens, I thought, correctly, that it would work in the Prius. Cheap. Beats spending 15 bucks for some hoity toity marine spray that is probably made from the same stuff. Rule of thumb from personal experience: if you buy it at a hardware store it will cost "x". If you buy the same thing at a marine store, it will cost "3x". If you go to an aviation supply outlet, the same thing will cost you "25x". Market economics. Bob in HUMU Seaside 7 Seattle
I used armorall protectant wipes on my interior and it looks really great. They leave a gorgeous satin finish on the interior and protect if from UV rays (which is kinda silly considering the windshield does the same). Also note that there's several kinds of armorall finish... Low-gloss, medium-gloss, and high-gloss. High-gloss only comes in spray bottles (as far as I know), so the wipes are probably medium-gloss. While you're out shopping for protectants, pickup some Rain-X. It's worth it =)
Do the non-fabric interior surfaces need any protection? They don't appear to be vinyl, so they may have no plasticizers to lose; and many plastics now are highly resistant to UV.