I've been consistently having problems with the voice activation on one particular command - "Phone". Each time I say "phone" the voice command system activates "Satellite Radio". These don't sound remotely close, but it happens consistently. It's very frustrating especially when it is the only way to access phone numbers not in the recent contacts list while driving. I've tried altering my voice level, I've changed it to "Telephone", I've just used the "F" sound....but 9 out of 10 times I get "Satellite Radio". Has anyone had this problem? Thanks for whatever help and suggestions you've got!
weird. Something's not right. I get Phone every time I say Phone. For satellite radio, I just say "sat x" where x is 1, 2 or 3. You can skip the "Phone" command if you're dialing out. Just say "Dial by name" from the main screen. No need to say "Phone" first.
Can you try saying it like [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inspector_Clouseau"]Inspector Clouseau[/ame] ?
Well, I have a strong French accent (from France, even though I left the old continent at 25) and the recognition has been good 95% of the time so far. I still prefer the recognition from my iPhone 3GS which has been 100% no matter what!
Peut-être utilise le système en français? Setup --> General --> Language. Although I do find the English voice more natural than the French or the Spanish voice
Funny thing is that even though I am French and will have a strong French accent for the rest of my life, I am more comfortable in English than in French after 37 years in Canada! Voice recognition does a very good job at understanding my accent!
Try adjusting the microphone volume. Others helped me find the system hidden menu ( Hold down INFO button and switch headlights on and off three time) Mine was set to 0 as is the default even though I had specified this was one that should be changed as part of pre delivery. Dealers comment was they set all that they could but could not find many of the settings as the list I gave them was from the US manual. Anyway changed to +3 and the voice recognition works much better. Next thing I discovered that if you use two words in a voice tag it seems to try to match the last word if there is some confusion. So each time I said PAULA MOBILE to dial my wife it came back with the number for PENNY MOBILE. It also seems to default to the last number you dialed if it cannot match. At least I have a workable system now but I will be far more likely to use the Speed Dial feature and set up my most called numbers on that. David