Ok, so for the sake of argument lets assume that I was checking him out too. To what end? What good does it do.. .I mean cops can't go around pulling women over just to check them out? If they then asked a woman out or the woman asked the cop out, isn't that a big no no no.
i guess the cops in your area are held to a higher standard...or more likely, dont get away with as much as the ones around here do
You were supposed to roll down the window, look him up and down, and in your best Mae West voice say "Is that a pistol in your pocket..." Tom
LOL! To be honest, I was so preoccupied with trying to understand what I had done wrong and how much the ticket was going to be that I didn't even notice if he was married.
OK , for the sake of the argument lets say I drop this line on you after I see you are checking the equipment on my belt. "If you don't know a law, as a driver it is your responsibility to keep up to date. Here is my card, it has my mobile number on it, feel free to call me any time if I can help you with any question about the law, or any reason at all. Any time. I will record this as a warning. Now please drive carefully." In reality men like to check women out even though they have no intentions of trying to pick them up.
+1. I have no intention of making a purchase, but I still like to check out the merchandise. :madgrin:
Women check out men, too. Some may be more subtle about it than the average male, but it's a deeply instinctual human behaviour.
I do not know. Perhaps this is my problem. Agreed. I was visiting a friend of mine once and what to my wandering eye should appear but a very masculine body, wrapped, oh so invitingly, in a towel. As he turned I realized with horror that this masculine body belonged to none other than my friends 16 year old son. I wanted to burn my eyes from their sockets for my sin. They grow up so fast!!
I've been there, but with the gender reversed. That little reptilian portion of my brain going "Hmmmm" when the frontal lobes suddenly realize I am checking out the daughter of a friend. "Nooooo, that's not right!" screams through my head, and then I look around to make sure no one was reading my thoughts. It makes you feel like a dirty old man, even if it was a totally automatic reaction to a pretty form. Tom