My leather seats have wrinkles and folds in the seat backs and the bottoms leave 'wallowed out' butt prints in them. Is this normal? Seems they should have made a tighter fit that would look smooth.
I noticed the same thing on my cloth seats. Seems the fabric should have been pulled tighter in some areas.
Mine are still very tight... I have a few small 'lines' in the outer seat cushion seat bolster but that's about it. Any leather car I have owned got them there though so for me it is normal. But wrinkles caused in the seatback or seat bottom since it is not tight enough, I don't have any of those at all.
Your profile says you have a Prius III. I didn't think the Prius III had a leather option. Are your's dealer installed or aftermarket? That could be the problem.
Nice catch, Jo. Also, no solar roof option on a III? Here's the deal from the technical folder - "No. If you order a IV or V (i.e. factory leather), it will be installed at the factory in Japan. If you order a II or a III with port leather option, it will be installed at the port."
Still tight but you know they'll eventually wrinkle. My smart was barely a year old and it already has "butt prints" and those seats had tightly wrapped leather. But given that it's new I'll go with what the others say and it's because it's port-installed not factory installed.
Yes, my III came with SR/NAV and leather seats - not sure where the seats were installed - so, what are my options? "No. If you order a IV or V (i.e. factory leather), it will be installed at the factory in Japan. If you order a II or a III with port leather option, it will be installed at the port."[/QUOTE]
Botox, Some body shops offer that service. It's a cosmetic enhancement, so your insurance...uhh, warranty may not cover it. Check with your healthcare provider...uhh, manufacturer. Also offers cortisone injections for those pesky squeaks and rattles.
Ah, then I was mislead by my salesman, who told me only available in the IV. Possibility that he may have misunderstood me when I said I wanted both SR and leather...then, only on the IV (from the factory).
According to the Toyota web site, the factory installed leather is NOT available on the III, so they would have had to been installed after your car left the factory. To be honest, was not even aware of the "port installed" leather option? Never mentioned at any of the dealerships I visited prior to buying. Wondering if this is something that individual dealerships do for their customers in certain regions of the country, or is Toyota involved in the non-factory installed option? Seems odd to me.
Port installed leather on my Model III. No wrinkles. My interior is bisque. Could the wrinkling problems be color-specific (misty gray or dark gray, but not bisque)? Just a thought.
I noticed you are from Arkansas, and that would mean you are a GST (Gulf states Toyota) client. I also see that your Prius is a III with leather, since your car is a III and that model from the factory is NOT equipped with leather, your car had leather installed either at the Port by GST, or later by your particular dealer. You should consult your dealer about standing behind that installation if your not satisfied with its quality. David (aka blind Guy)
I am surprised when I read threads like this where people try to describe there problems using words. Digital cameras are dirt cheap these days. Take a picture it will get your point across a lot better. I have the same problem. I have taken the car back to the dealer and they tried to restreach the material. It did not fix the problem. They ordered a new cover for the seat two days ago. I will report back on how it works out. Here is a pic of the passenger seat that is in prefect shape. Here is a pic of the driver seat that is very out of shape. It was bad the day I picked up the car.
How many 'seat miles' do you have on yours? Your bottom side bolsters- at least the outer, seem to have thin angular wrinkles. Not from poor installation but "sitting wear". I have 4,400 on my OE leather and they look virtually new. When the middle of the seat is pressed down (as if your tush is there...) the side bolster material does noticeably stretch. Don't know if I'm fortunate, bisque is better, lucky, or my sacrificial cow was stretchy.
I think that all or most of the so-called "port installed" leather (and other stuff) comes from the two independent Toyota sales regions in the 48 contiguous states -- the Gulf States and the South East. And individual dealers, wherever they're located, can always install aftermarket stuff like leather interior, sunroofs, different tires/wheels, etc.
Yep, although all the dealerships I went to in our region, would have nothring to do with putting on any aftermarket stuff, and the few that said they would, make it totally cost prohibitive. By the way, the wrinkles shown in the pictures above look like any leather seat, from any car that's a year (or more) old. Granted, you hate to see this on a new car, but if it makes you feel any better - we'll all get there soon enough. All of our seats will have this look after a while...not to mention that some people think that aged leather looks better, and has character.