Besides the constant rattling of the dash I'm getting a clicking right under the driver's seat. It happens when slowing to a stop at low speeds. It is just one click and can be heard and felt somewhere under my seat. It's not the relay click from the brake pedal. I thought it was my seat that was loose but it seems solid when I'm jostling around. Anyone with the same experience?
No ratteling here, maybe I got a good one (from factory 5). I do not hear a click when braking from higher speeds, but such a sound might be hidden by the road and tire noise. Joke: And, hidden by the loud screeching of the brakes, the ABS noise, and the people screaming!
I have the exact same symptom. I hear a single click that sounds like the sound a wrench handle makes when it hits the frame on a car. I hear it once half way through acceleration, and then once half way through deceleration. it's reproducible especially when going up hill: I can hear it when pressing the accelerator and when not pressing accelerator but due to the uphill factor, the speed changes more rapidly, no brakes involved. I have a Monday appointment for the service department to look at this problem and a problem with the display buzzing intermittently on startup.
I have this same problem. It has something to do with the part that moves the seat up and down. the higher i have my seat the more it does it, and if i lower my seat it will not do it.
The dealership was unable to replicate any of my issues. I got nowhere with them on this issue. I plan to test drive with the tech next time when I get time.