I was reading this month's issue of Popular Mechanics and saw an advertisement for a product called "PORTA-JUMP". Their website is www.portajump.com I went to their website to further review what the battery actually does. I also wrote to the company and they said it WILL work with the Prius. They claim one of their engineers owns a Prius and he tested it on his vehicle. I am wondering if you folks think this is something worthwhile to carry along in my car in case of emergency. I just changed my 12 volt battery about 17 months ago. Thoughts??
In my 2006 the cigarette lighter plug is NOT connected in any way to the battery when the car is turned off. It is my understanding that this is normal for all models. If that is indeed the case the portascam unit is just that - a scam. Consider the "information" from their "engineer" about "his" prius as a warning.
My vehicle rarely "excepts" a charge, but it occasionally accepts one. . Portajohn needs a proofreader... . _H*
Frequenty Asked Questions About Porta-Jump The electrons move faster? I didn't know that. :madgrin: Anyway, back to topic: The cigarette lighter circuits are disconnected when the Prius is off, unless you modify it to be switched on. You would be better off getting a booster that uses cable clamps so you can use it on the terminal provided for jump starting under the hood. I have one that I paid $35 for.
On non-hybrids, the 12V bus tends to run at a higher voltage when the engine runs at driving speed, compared to idling, and both are higher than when the engine is off. This higher voltage produces faster recharging. So, yes, the electrons end up moving faster. Hybrids are different, but this FAQ wasn't written for Prius. ---- The FAQ does state that the ignition must be in ACC, not OFF, for this device to work.
My memory is that electron drift speed in a conductor is a function of current. No? Don't confuse the electron drift speed with the electromagnetic wave speed. One is a usually a considerable fraction of the speed of light, the other is more similar to a fast snail or glacier.
I'm uncertain whether the electrons move faster or not. Every time I try to measure, I think I might be affecting them. :madgrin: [ame=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classical_and_quantum_conductivity]Classical and quantum conductivity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]
Yes the drift velocity is proportional to the current density: [ame=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drift_velocity]Drift velocity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]
Yes there is great uncertainty if one tries to measure the velocity of one individual electron, but the uncertainty is nil for the drift velocity since it is averaged over the ensemble of Fermi electrons even in quantum theory.
Naughty. Naughty. I am glad you are not one of my students. The drift velocity is defined in the reference frame of the lattice, not the Earth.
For that to happen, you must put the car into a drift around a corner, at a speed greater than Glacial. Suggest disconnecting the stability control. By performing this maneuver correctly the entire matrix will drift causing high speed electron drift........................Aw forget it.
Once again you are confusing hole flow with electron flow. How many times do we have to go over this? Current flow in hybrid vehicles is from hole flow. Current flow in conventional vehicles is from ethyl particles. Hole flow explains why the safe space in front of your Prius is always filled by an SUV in heavy traffic. (I hope no one reads this and thinks it means anything!) Tom
Okay... Yeah... I read the website's FAQ and I too questioned the validity of their claims and also the fact that they do need a proof reader. Furthermore, the site is of poor quality. I am quite certain that what they're selling is snake oil. At any rate, I keep my dues paid for AAA and IF I do encounter a dead 12v battery, I'll call for a jump. As a preventive measure, I'm going to change the battery in four years time just in case.