So I am buying the Prius in 2 weeks, when it gets off the boat. The dealer said that if I traded in my car and prepaid for the Prius before it gets off the boat, he'll have all the tags ready for me as soon as it arrives. In the meantime, he said I can have free use of a Prius from the lot. It guess it is their loaner car. We already settled on a price and everything. Should I bite? Is this a trick? If it is a trick, what is the angle? Has anyone heard of this? Of course, one danger is that the Prius on the boat is not what I wanted (wrong color etc.). Then I am stuck because I've already traded in my car. And I suppose if I have to wait another 2 weeks, the dealer may not let me have the loaner - which means I'll be carless. Also, another angle is that maybe in the 2 weeks the dealer finds a defect in my traded in car and demand more money from me. I am confused. I am inclined not to take it. Although it does seem like a nice deal.
Weird. Maybe he has a buyer for your trade-in already. In any case, I'd want to see what I was buying first.
I'd guess that he is trying to lock in a sale that is not yet assured. At this stage of the sale-delivery process, he probably still has a significant rate of lost deals.
I think it's pretty simple; I think he wants to have your money sooner. Then he knows you're "locked in" to buying the car and he can mark it down as a sale now. I think you just have to be extra careful and make sure that he doesn't have any leeway to change your trade-in price and if your Prius is delayed for any reason, you're absolutely guaranteed to get to drive the other Prius until you get yours. Has he given you a VIN for your Prius yet? That's one way to guarantee that there's a car actually allocated to you.
Regardless of the reason, I wouldn't bite. As a previous poster pointed out, what's the upside for you? Is there any chance he's made you a verbal promise of something he can't deliver. I'd be highly suspicious. That's all I'm saying.
I had 5 days between the time I 'ordered' mine and it came off the boat and was delivered to the dealership. During those 5 days I did some internet shopping in my area and wound up making the dealer price match another dealers offer... to the tune of $952 less. Yep, it purly a money thing. If he get's your money today, it's much harded for you to make him match another dealers lower offer, at least that's my guess.
If you pay for it early and give them your trade in you as much as own the new car sight unseen. Problem is what if it is damaged in shipment? or what if the dealer sells it to someone else and tells you he didn't get it and you will need to wait for the next one? Lots of pitfalls, I would recommend not doing it. Just wait until the new car arrives and then check it over good before you part with your trade in or your money. Here is a thread with some ideas of what to look for when it does arrive:
Not an unusual request. The paperwork can take 2 hours. He might loose another sale in those two hours so he wants to schedule things so that doesn't happen. Do whatever you want. If the price is already negotiated then there's no downside. If he's offering to do this the VIN number will already have been assigned otherwise he couldn't do it. And yes, he could also have a buyer for your trade - in which case he might give you more for it now. I'd do it just to get it over with.
Trick or Treat? I don't know if he's tricking you or anything. But of course it's to the dealer benefit to have the sale. If you sign the deal and hand over your trade your locked in as a sale. Personally, I'd rather not do a deal without the product I'm receiving being a known quantity. In other words, I want my New Prius, so I know what I'm getting. You are correct that it could become a nightmare "if" something mysteriously happened and/or the car just isn't what you thought. If you can live with your car for a few more weeks I'd just be patient. Tell them you want the deal, but you aren't going to do it until the product is physically present and available. Especially since it sounds like your car works and you are only dealing with a 2 week period. There is no physical tangible benefit to me to having the tags upon arrival. It "may" not be a trick but why do it? 14 days, then you can look at the vehicle, make sure it IS what you want and have it then.
I agree with everyone above, I have another possiblity on why he's pushing the sale through. If they sell a car they can put in for the next allocation. The later it is, his ability to request more Prius's gets pushed back. Goodluck
It appears to me the dealer is trying to push a December sale into November. Registering it now starts the warranty clock running. In NJ vehicle mileage is recorded on the title. What is he planning on recording? I might counter with trading my car for the use of the loaner until a satisfactory new one is delivered. Now he has your original deposit & the trade-in as the deposit on the new one. If a special order was being built for you then that would be a different story.
Everyone, Thank you for your advice. I'll finish moving in one week. After that, I'll go to the dealer and finalized the buying of my Prius that I have on order. I'll wait to buy the car conventionally, trading in the car the same day I pick up the new car. One thing I noted. My trade in is a Toyota and it is amazing how much resale value is left in a Toyota. I've had a previous car that's not a Toyota, after 6 years and 36,000 miles, the price was less than $5000 - maybe $3600. It was so low I did not sell it, I gave it to a relative.
OK. Confession time. I went by and the dealer offered me a loaner Prius with 2000 miles on the odometer and with HOV accessible plates as a loaner for as long as it takes for my car to come in. I got $500 off the sales price. Paid $1225 for the extended warranty. I decided to trade in and to buy. Now I am driving the loaner car. The only defect is that they did not give me the owner's manual for this loaner car. And I have to drive around with a window sticker for the price. It's not my car so no big deal. It is fun. The Prius is a nice car. I am enjoying myself. I have to say, the dealership is amazing. When I first showed up, the saleman just handed me the keys and told me to test drive the car as long as I want. My wife and I drove for 30 minutes by ourselves and decided to buy. No salesman sitting in the back harrassing us. They reserved a car for me with no money down. Then when I show up to buy I get a loaner car. The service here is either top rate or I am getting ripped off massively. It doesn't matter, I value convenience.