of all the Roads on the Map of my location, my street is misspelled, and we are talking a major highway no less. it is very irritating to say the least. especially when they have Punkydoodle Corners on the map and spelled correctly to boot! ( it is in Southwestern Ontario) Do you think I could get anywhere with NavTek to educate them in the error of their ways? what is their website? someone has spelled London - Louden. IMHO I dont think that I am nit picking.
They've got an email address and/or web form to report errors. If you can't find it at their site hop through garmin.com which might point to it more clearly. . _H*
It's Navteq, at NAVTEQ Maps and Traffic. They've got a Contact link at the bottom of the page, thru which you can submit corrections.
It may take a long time for them to update the info. They show my street as connected to another, it doesn't. I reported it in March09 and even told them to check Google maps which has it correctly! As of this morning, it still hasn't been changed.
It has been four years since I first contacted Navteq about my house being shown on the wrong side of the street because a good deal of Suffolk County, NY's streets have the even/odd numbers on the wrong side of the street. Nothing has been corrected as of the 2009 maps on my Garmin 760.
I am wondering if we could request a full refund on the navi system if they don't correct their mistakes. Especially a wrong street name on your house.
Good luck with that. In Europe we have E&OE 'Errors & Omissions Excepted' which basically means that errors are par for the course. No digital map is ever going to be 100% error free. And as map coverage grows a pace then the number of errors is going to increase. What we need to do is put pressure on Navteq, Tele Atlas, Google etc to improve their response to corrections. By notifying them of errors we are helping them improve their product and they need to react promptly. Currently though, most people will report an error, see no change after 12mths and give up. The delay between a master map being updated and the data making it to a commercial navigation DVD used to be 2 - 3yrs but has been improved now to anything from 6mths to 1yr. But they are still woefully poor at incorporating and correcting errors.
I was referred to an opthamologist a couple of towns away. On Monday, the office gave me directions and for grins plugged in the address as a destination in the NAV. It had me get off the highway 1 exit before the office directions, which was OK, I thought, to take the back way in. But when it said "you have arrived at your destination", I was surrounded by trees with no buildings in sight. I found it down the road another mile or more, right off the exit that the office directions would have had me take.
I have just gotten a 2010 with Nav. I am two out of two with wrong addresses. My house shows an address that doesn't even exist. In another case the destinations address (arrive at destination) was at least 750 feet south of the actual lo0cation. My $200 Garmin has no such problems.
If your 2010 with Nav uses Navteq maps (as do Garmin) then what map version is the Prius Nav? It must be older than your Garmin?