If you receive an Instant Message from someone you know and it reads, "How do they do this" and the 'this' is a hyperlink, for the love of God DO NOT CLICK THE LINK!!! Friends show me things all the time so when I got this from a good friend, I didn't think twice. By the time he noticed that his machine had sent the IM, I had already clicked. He tried to follow with "don't click that" but it was too late. Luckily, our work firewall apperantly kept me from downloading anything and multiple system scans by multiple softwares have turned up no malicious files on my computer. I have searched the 'net but can't seem to find anything on this. If someone can, please post any information you find. From what he told me, when he clicked the link all he got was a blank, white screen. When I clicked it, I got an error. The sender can not seem to stop it from generating the IMs. Since I've started typing this, I've received the same message from the same person three times. Of course I'm going to block him. But I know he has many other people on his list.
Re: WARNING!!! "How do they do this?" Instant Mess TonyP, You may be on the bleeding edge with that one! BUT . . . NEW AS OF JUNE 28TH . . . If you get an email which looks like a Microsoft Security Bulletin . . . DO NOT CLICK ON ITS LINK!!!!!! You will be in a world of hurt! This link is OK and will explain: http://www.websensesecuritylabs.com/alerts...Section=Details I’ll keep looking for "How do they do this". UPDATE: Microsoft has a Critical Update available as of today . . . go update your Windows program. The update is “Package Installer for Windowsâ€
Re: WARNING!!! "How do they do this?" Instant Mess [font=Comic Sans MS:60834d8b4f]Tony, My niece and her girlfriend were fooling around with the computer and suddenly everyone on the buddylist was getting IMs similar to the one you wrote about. Some of her friends clicked on the link in the IM, which caused some trouble on their computer. My brother ran the virus scan and deleted everything in quarantine. That took care of it. Hope this helps. Mary Lou[/font:60834d8b4f]