Who has experience with jailbreaking an iPhone? I've been reading online but the one thing I couldn't find is where you get the jailbreak apps once you've performed the jailbreak. Has anyone here jailbreaked?
I haven't. But if you are considering breaking out of iPhone jail, you might want to consider what life could be like 'on-the-run'.... 1. Apple will be releasing future updates. If you want those updates, each update will likely put you back in iPhone jail until someone can find a way to break out of jail again. Check into the running battle between the Palm Pre and Apple regarding iTunes compatibility - Palm releases an emulator, Apple releases a new version of iTunes that defeats the Pre emulator, Palm releases a new emulator, and, and, and. 2. Some jail-breaking schemes require technical skills (opening up the device and swapping chips that are soldered onto the 'motherboard') that you may or may not have. If you don't have the requisite technical skills, if something happens to the iPhone, you won't be able to take the iPhone in to the local Apple or AT&T store for service. 3. There is a rumor (I can't confirm or deny it) that Apple is including the ability to remotely audit your iPhone - if the iPhone doesn't meet the challenge response protocol, it gets a hand grenade sent its way.... What are you attempting to accomplish by breaking out of iPhone jail?
I'm sorry to disagree with you, but I would not be concerned with any of these points. Addressing each of them: 1. Major Apple updates are few, and the jailbreak community always has a crack for the new update within a week or so. 2. Jailbreaking does not require any soldering. Maybe for some form of unlocking it to other carriers - but I've never head of that. Jailbreaking is as simple as downloading a program and running it while your phone is attached. 3. That is pure FUD - fear, uncertainty, doubt. The only reason I don't jailbreak my phone is there are always the odd report from some users where they can't send text messages any more, or their phone won't receive calls sometimes. I don't want to deal with all that hassle.
Tony, why are you bothering ? I considered jailbreaking for tethering, but the phone link is too slow most of the time to make the effort. I wouldn't worry too much about negative consequences if you do jailbreak. Just wait for the next round of stable jailbreak software before upgrading to the newest apple software, and realize that you almost certainly have the option to reinstall to non-jailbreak if things get really messed up.
I've jail breaked my phone and would NEVER look back and reconsider not doing it. AND if you want to you can just do a restore to bring it back to its pre jail breaking stage. There is a vast quantity of third party APPS available to those that jail break. Contrary to what people say, it does NOT effect your phone in any way whatsoever. What causes problems are people that install multiple third party apps that can't coexist with one another and that is when things might get dicey. This is not for the faint of heart or those who are technically challenged i.e. computer illiterate. I think a majority of the participants on this forum do not fall in that category. Ever since I have jail broken I have added tons of features to my phone that were never available to me. There is also the gray/black area of the ability to get FREE APPs. I won't go into that here but let's just say I have not purchased an APP for a long time. (most of them are crap anyway). Imagine not having all the hacks available to you on the Prius. That's what is is like not having a jail broken iPhone. If you need more information please PM me. I don't consider myself an expert, but I've had my iPhone for over a year and I am current with version 3.0 (yeah I know about 3.01). Ain't NO way I'd ever go back.
People have asked why I'm looking into it. Simple: I heard about it and wanted more information. What can I say? I like information. I've done some reading and there are a few things that I like about the idea. One is that there are many functions the iPhone support which are locked down by Apple. For example, the ability to run apps in the background. (Why is it that I can play the iPod function and the phone in the background but not others? Because Apple says so.) Another is the ability to apply themes and backgrounds other than the standard iPhone theme. Doesn't sound like much but sounds interesting. In short, I have a degree in CompSci and have always played around with technology. But before I go messing around, I ask around.
Just to address this issue... background applications aren't restricted because they're inherently bad, but because they would lead to a bad user experience for most people. By running something like AIM in the background, you could eat up your battery twice as fast, which would lead to a ton of complaints about battery life, poor reviews, and decreased sales. By restricting background activity, Apple can extend the battery life for an overall better user experience. Yes, for people who understand the trade off and are happy with it, the restriction seems over the top... but for a majority of the user base, it's a good thing.
Thanks, Eagle. I sit in many new product meetings each week. There is always the discussion about what's possible and what's best. I am wondering if Apple will readdress background apps with the Palm Pre allowing background apps. Especially since they are advertising their "special" OS allowing apps to run in the background. I'm sure someone as Apple cringes every time they see that commercial. "It's not that we can't, it's that we don't allow it." Try explaining that to the people buying the Pre.
It seems that they could have something in the "Settings" that would allow "run background apps" with a big red warning that it will slow the iPhone, run down the battery faster, and potentially lead to system crashes". You could opt for it or not.
So now that I have my brand new sparkling iPhone, I thought I'd revive a few of these iPhone threads. Tony - did you end up trying to jailbreak your phone? Has anyone here tried yet? I've heard through the Official Internet Rumor Mill that the current OS (3.1) is much trickier to jailbreak although still possible.
I have a jail broken iPhone 3G and it has never given me any problems. All versions of the firmware can be jailbroken including the newer models of the 3Gs which Apple recently released. It's a cat and mouse game and the hackers always are able to crack Apple's attempts to put the hackers at bay. It all boils down to money. Apple gets 30% of all revenues from the APP store so it is in their best interest to prevent people from jail breaking their phones and then putting free cracked APPs on the phone. I also read that some statistics show that piracy rates are as high as 90% on some APPs. I love my iPhone now that it is jailbroken because I'm able to tether and do other things that you can't do if you're not jailbroken. As far as APPs are concerned, well to me most of them are worthless pieces of junk. There are very few that I find compelling to pay for.
The only way to go Tony . . . blackweather Good luck :rockon: p.s. Don't forget to install Wobble it's a requirement!
Information.... Information.... I am Number 2, you are Number 6.. Information.. Who is Number 1??? Information.. I am not a number, I am a Free Man
I WAS a fan of the original: Similarly, I've added tom tom though my manufacturer says it's a no no (pun intended) due the the pre loaded junk. It kills a fully recharged battery in less than 20 minutes, that'd normally last for days. But as long as I can live with that, big deal.
No. I did not. I've decided to stay put. There are tons of things I want to try but only a limited amount of time in which to complete the required activities much less the optional ones.