Just picked up my new Prius IV last Thursday. I have already ordered some accessories from the forum--glad I found you so quickly! I have a question--moderator, please re-direct me if I am in the wrong spot. I need some info on using the ECO mode--my salesman said to mostly drive in the default mode, but it looks like more use ECO--at least in town. I drive 12 miles to "big" town at 55 mph several times a week, but putting around our area shopping is within 3 miles of home--rural small towns. Looks like I should be in ECO for that. Too early to tell my fuel usage--I'm still trying to figure out how to drive this strange little thing! Going to go by the dealer today to see if they can hook up my phone--that Nav system really taxes my old brain cells.
:welcome:Congratulations on your new Prius IV. Which of the three modes you spend your time in is really a personal decision. You can find a lot of opinions and information on this site in the GenIII forums. Don't put to much stock in what anyone at a dealership tells you about driving the Prius, most of them don't know much. The problem is they haven't learned to say "I don't know the answer" so they sometimes just make things up. Of course there are exceptions because some of them own a Prius themselves. I use the ECO mode exclusively because it gives me finer control when I use the HSI display. If you need power all three modes will deliver full power at full throttle, the difference between them is the throttle response during approximately the first half of the pedal movement. ECO gives you fine control, PWR gives you coarser control for quicker response, the Normal mode (ECO or PWR deselected) is between the two. If you have the car in ECO or Normal and shut it off it will restart in whichever mode it was in; if you shut it off in PWR or EV it will default to Normal. EV has a mode switch but you will find you don't use it much, if at all. Here is a meetup group I belong to, we have lunch one Saturday a month and take day trips in the summer. Good group with a lot of hybrid car knowledge. http://www.meetup.com/PortlandHSD/
I like a car that can get moving somewhat quickly. I was very pleased to see that the Prius can do that in the power mode which is one of the reasons I bought it. As a result I drive my Gen III in the Power mode about 98% of the time. I enjoy the performance in this mode and LOVE the gas mileage. I want to keep the enjoyment in driving while also saving gas. My suggestion is to get about 500 to 1000 miles on the car (when the real mileage will manifest itself) and play around to see what you like best. Even if you screw up you’ll get better significantly mileage than the majority of people driving the average automobile. These are really cool cars….enjoy experimenting with this well engineered auto. And weclome to Priuschat
Priuschat is a wonderful source of information! I am aware of the value of finding a good owners group--I am a moderator on a brand-specific RV group members forum. I know that experienced owners offer the best advice. Thanks to the admins here that do such a good job! I try to learn something new each day about the Prius. My nearly 70 year old brain is being challenged. Now using ECO mode and watching the correct screen. Haven't yet mastered quickly monitoring the screen for trips, mpg, overall mpg, etc. Will reset everything at the first fuel fill and go from there. I have found one bonus is that I actually drive the speed limit now--trying to get even better mileage! Bluetooth phone now works thanks to a nice young "gofur" from the service department at the dealers that set it for me--the old salesmen send all their electronic questions to him. It's like having a resident grandson to help us old folks!