Some help on some questions

Discussion in 'Gen 3 Prius Main Forum' started by erog, Nov 16, 2009.

  1. erog

    erog New Member

    Nov 16, 2009
    2010 Prius

    First off I love this forum! I have learned more in a day reading here then any other single site and even the dealers (which should know more - it IS there day job). Thank you for the help already.

    I am looking to get a 2010 III or IV and need some help figuring out which and the dealers are . . . clueless.

    Now for some questions That I could not find, have gotten conflicting info on, or just do not understand what I read or was told.

    1. What options are TRULY optional?? I have found before while buying that some "options" are not really optional and you are forced to "buy" since that is what is default on the car. (BTW this really burns me since it is just another level of deception.) I know I have to deal with it so being forewarned is best. . . for example I expect the $260 mats etc "option" is not a option. . .anything else??

    2. What IS the difference between getting a III with dealer installed leather and a IV?? Both in items and ball part $$ . . I have gotten allot of conflicting info here. what ARE the after market add-ons possible? I heard that a "normal" sun/moon roof is possible?

    3. IS it better to get a III and upgrade it then to just get a IV? reasons? (I really want leather - and I have yet to decide on nav, XM is not needed, ipod/iPhone support is nice though usb or the aux jack is ok)

    4. The Nav package I am a bit confused on what exactly it entails and if it is worth getting (opinions).
    a. I want Bluetooth, but it is unclear about what that means. (I think "Bluetooth" phone is standred but Bluetooth streaming music is nav only??)
    b. Is the ipod controls incompatible with a Ipod touch or phone?? (not clear) . . .and how does the USB connection work?? (just for charging??)
    c. Is the nav system + backup cam worth the $$. I know this is quite an opinion charged topic but this also goes with the other questions. (chances are it seems that IVs are hard to find without the Nav etc) a fair functional GPS would be fine as long as it works. if I am going to be fighting it constantly I may opt out . .
    d. any other info on this package? as allot of sites say what it is but not in any great detail. (on the of real questions I have with the car)

    5. How is the Car in snow, ice, mud, water? Personal experiences? (I have a Scion now and can drive it through just about anything, So I have no need for a SUV ans such)

    6. where there any annoying "got-yas" in the buying process? or afterward that forewarning could help others to avoid?

    Thanks for any responses!
  2. gmalis1

    gmalis1 New Member

    Aug 2, 2008
    Northwest 'burbs, Chicago
    2010 Prius
    The minimum package to get factory installed leather is the Prius IV.

    The Prius IV can be had with or without leather, and with or without the Nav system.

    Personally, rather than spend $1800 for the Nav, buy a nice Garmin Nuvi for about $100-$150 online.

    The backup camera can be had with or without Nav. Without Nav, it appears on your mirror. With Nav, it is on the Nav screen. Either way, IMO, it's a waste of money. The backup lens gets dirty and any amount of rain clouds the lens, so nothing shows.

    The Prius IV has XM radio standard, with a free 90 day membership. It also has included bluetooth (with or without Nav) and an AUX jack for your iPhone, which I find sufficient. I don't need bluetooth to play my music from my iPhone, but I do use it for hands free calling from my iPhone (which in Chicago is mandatory).

    I am sure you could negotiate the deletion of the floor mats, if you requested...but why?

    I purchased my Prius IV WITH leather, WITHOUT the Nav and with the floor mats. My iPhone works just fine with the AUX jack and charges with a corded charger from the 110V plug adapter.

    Aside from the persistent rattle that I get when I go over the slightest bump, I am pleased with the 2010 Prius, but not as elated as I was when I first got my 2005 Prius Gen 2.

    I can't speak about handling in bad weather, since Chicago's winter hasn't started quite yet. But my 2005 Prius was absolutely great in the snow. No problems whatsoever. I could definitely drive it through just about anything.
  3. erog

    erog New Member

    Nov 16, 2009
    2010 Prius
    Thank you,

    I have also come to the conclusion that the nav is best done without . . I even saw a replacement nav from JBL that does everything and does it better and is cheaper!?

    I was given the impression from the dealer that finding a IV with out Nav is "hard" and you know how cagey they get when that happens. So I wanted to make sure it WAS possible so I could push them.

    I am not interested in the XM but I am interested in the blue tooth for phone . . . now question . . is the phone bluetooth part of the radio sound system or separate?? (not talking about the streaming audio)

    "I am sure you could negotiate the deletion of the floor mats, if you requested...but why?"
    I can get VERY nice after market mats for less rather then get normal ones for more :) . . But is seems it is NOT a option since you pay for them one way or the other. Had a principle discussion with 2 dealers on this . . "How can a OPTION be standard and not optional?!?!" a Big Wth there . .

    "The minimum package to get factory installed leather is the Prius IV.
    The Prius IV can be had with or without leather, and with or without the Nav system"
    So you are saying you can get a III with dealer installed leather.
    A IV with the leather taken out and a IV with just the factory installed leather. .

    ok so what is the real difference between a III with leather and a basic IV with leather?? something I was trying to get to before. . . if it is only the sound system and mirror (and I may want to replace the sound system) then going for the III would seem best? I am I missing something?

    Thanks again . .
  4. Jim Clark

    Jim Clark Member

    Aug 7, 2009
    Northern VA, the 51st state (someday)
    2010 Prius
    We got a IV with leather and nav. It was the last one a local dealer had on the lot during the cash for clunkers program. They wouldn't discount it all but the C4C deal was really good, got $4500 for a car worth about $1700. AND it happened to be the best color combination of Barcelona Red with Bisque (tan), got lucky there.

    The nav is OK, we're glad we have it, but a Garmin or TomTom is certainly a less expensive option. But you have to hide those when not in the car (somewhat depends on location). The backup camera is OK but I find I don't use it much.

    I don't know about all the ipod/iphone stuff. We just use the Bluetooth for hands free phone. It's the wife's commuter car and she just listens to public (news) radio.

    I find it hard to believe that dealer installed leather is a cost effective option.

    The one thing that would have been nice is the larger alloy wheels, I think they would definitely improve the looks, and maybe the handling.

    Why would you not want floor mats? I suspect nearly ALL Prius's ship with floor mats.

    In conclusion, get the IV with leather and nav (more convenient than a portable). And of course, Barcelona Red is the ONLY color with any WOW factor.
  5. Bobsprius

    Bobsprius BobPrius

    Jul 23, 2009
    2010 Prius
    Get Leather with Nav if you want the major bells and whistles.You'll get bluetooth and other comforts as a result.

    Factory Leather is better than aftermarket installs from most posts.
    That should give you seat warmers as well, although the button is low under the floating console, it's at least there. You should also get Power Lumbar Support....a nice thing on long trips.

    Would be nice to have th 17" alloys but they are only available on a V.

    I would want the floor mats, and it comes with the hooks to secure them in place...rather than aftermarket...

    I think you would be happier with a 4 in the long run.

    You also get water repellant front Driver Side and Passenger Side glass I believe.....Nice when it rains for sure...clear as a bell on highway speeds....

  6. mgb4tim

    mgb4tim Noob

    Jul 8, 2009
    Pittsburgh, PA
    2010 Prius
    Why use the cord? The iPhone bluetooth sounds just as good,if not better, than the aux cord, from my experience.And, you don't have to play with any cords. It's connects automatically.
  7. erog

    erog New Member

    Nov 16, 2009
    2010 Prius

    Ah ok I missed the water repellant front Driver Side and Passenger Side glass . . .

    "Factory Leather is better than aftermarket installs from most posts." A good thing to look into then if this it true (they say the dealer ones are heated . . but I did not ask about the lumbar)

    The hooks Should be an all cars regardless Since not getting the mats is not a real option . . Again I am more ticked over the way they are being "ADDED" as a Non Optional option. (not a big issue really)

    Still need to find out if the Blue tooth phone options part of the sound system or not (remove/change the radio/nav and that goes also)

    Lots of good info coming in thanks allot . . . I itching to pull the trigger but want to make sure I have all of the facts first . . almost there!
  8. LeadingEdgeBoomer

    Aug 8, 2009
    New Mexico
    2010 Prius
    You do not need to buy any accessories that are installed at the port. Others are factory options you have to weigh for yourself, as you are doing. At you can Build Your Own Prius. The last part concerns the port-installed accessories.

    Back in May the salesman insisted I had to get Toyota carpet floor mats and rear bumper applique. I did not want them because I wanted Weathertech all-weather liners for floor and cargo area, and I wanted real rear bumper protection from PriusChat Shop. After I let them know I was shopping in SoCal and no port accessories were mandatory, they finally found the car I wanted and caved in on their previously mandatory stuff.

    The driver mat hooks are not an issue. $2 at any Toyota Parts Department.
  9. ToyotaFleetManager

    ToyotaFleetManager New Member

    Oct 27, 2009
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Prius IV comes standard with leather. Cloth seats are not avaliable on the IV. Cloth is standard on the II and III.
  10. ToyotaFleetManager

    ToyotaFleetManager New Member

    Oct 27, 2009
    Other Non-Hybrid
    1. What options are TRULY optional?? I have found before while buying that some "options" are not really optional and you are forced to "buy" since that is what is default on the car. (BTW this really burns me since it is just another level of deception.) I know I have to deal with it so being forewarned is best. . . for example I expect the $260 mats etc "option" is not a option. . .anything else??

    All port installed options are optional. However finding a Prius on the lot without some port options is rather rare. Normally expect to "preference" a Prius if you don't want any port options. Wait time could be 2-8 weeks on a Prius IV depending on color, and whether you want Nav or Solar Roof.

    2. What IS the difference between getting a III with dealer installed leather and a IV?? Both in items and ball part $$ . . I have gotten allot of conflicting info here. what ARE the after market add-ons possible? I heard that a "normal" sun/moon roof is possible?

    IV has leather seat, and steering wheel, heated seats, Plasma Cluster air ionzier, safety connect (if you have the NY or SY package), water repellant glass and a more advanced smart key system

    3. IS it better to get a III and upgrade it then to just get a IV? reasons? (I really want leather - and I have yet to decide on nav, XM is not needed, ipod/iPhone support is nice though usb or the aux jack is ok)

    4. The Nav package I am a bit confused on what exactly it entails and if it is worth getting (opinions).

    The factory nav (option NY or SY) will get you saftey connect, large back up camera display, voice navigation, a generation 6 Nav, and USB port.

    a. I want Bluetooth, but it is unclear about what that means. (I think "Bluetooth" phone is standred but Bluetooth streaming music is nav only??)
    b. Is the ipod controls incompatible with a Ipod touch or phone?? (not clear) . . .and how does the USB connection work?? (just for charging??)

    You can use it for charging, controling an appropriate media device and use a jump drive to play music or audio from.

    6. where there any annoying "got-yas" in the buying process? or afterward that forewarning could help others to avoid?

    A reputable dealer will only charge the appropriate state taxes and fees and no additional charges like dealer prep. Among those fees depending on what state and city you are in may included documentation fees, local taxes, state sales tax, state required vehicle inspection fees, license, and title.
  11. erog

    erog New Member

    Nov 16, 2009
    2010 Prius
    Thanks, This has all been a great help . . . I am leaning heavy now to a IV without the nav (and the blue?? :) ) This forum has been great and I am really getting excited about getting t he car (but not having to deal with the dealer again)
  12. PriusDreamer

    PriusDreamer Member

    Dec 5, 2003
    Long Island, NY
    2010 Prius
    I am not sure anyone actually answered the bluetooth ?
    It is part of the radio. When listening to the stereo and a call comes in, the stereo mutes and your call is routed thru the speakers (very clear and loud) and as soon as you either disconnect or they hang up, the stereo comes back on at its prior selection and sound level. Very effective.
    I have a V with no options. Virtually impossible to get in my area. Had to have the car delivered 375 miles to avoid $4,800 option I did not want. One more thing, you cannot get the back-up camera from the factory without the NAV. It must be after market add-on.
    Be very firm in what you want and search, or have your dealer search other areas for the car with exactly what you want or don't want. You may even be able to not get the floor mats, although you probably should as you will be hard pressed to get the quality and customization (Nice Prius embroidery) on aftermarket mats for anywhere near the price. All five mats (the rear is very large) for $200 is not that bad a deal.

    Good luck and if you can swing it get the IV over the III. I personally like the better handling and really amazing LED headlights of the V, although definitely a lot more money.

  13. creativeguy

    creativeguy Member

    May 21, 2009
    2010 Prius
    That is what I thought until I saw the mats. The back mat is nice (although I would have preferred a darker color to hide dirt), but the floor mats are so thin and cheap feeling. When I took delivery I actually thought that they were carboard protectors that the service dept would use until I took a good look.
  14. Gen 3 for me

    Gen 3 for me Member

    Mar 20, 2009
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Plus
  15. gmalis1

    gmalis1 New Member

    Aug 2, 2008
    Northwest 'burbs, Chicago
    2010 Prius
    So, what you are saying is that I don't need the AUX cord to connect my iPhone to play music...just use the Bluetooth?

    I have a Prius IV WITHOUT I don't think your comment applies in that situation.

    However, if someone else wants to chime in and give me explicit instructions to playing music from my Turn off signatures in Tapatalk Bluetooth (without the Nav screen), then fire away.