Background--two years ago we were thinking about trading in our nice comfortable LeSabre for a Prius, but after driving 7000 miles to VanCouver and back, we decided we didn't want to give up the comfort, trunk space, 30+ mpg, power, 6 passenger ability, etc. Since then I have driven my sister-in-law's Prius over 1000 miles and enjoyed the comfort and mileage. So now my wife owns a bright red 2010 Prius III with added heated leather seats. I enjoy the experience and I absolutely love the fact that they got rid of the obnoxious big screen that makes you drive into trees. This is the first foreign car I have owned and still have a problem with that. This is also the first car that I purchased outside of our (small) town, but there is nothing else in the same category. Luckily there is another bright red Prius in town and people may think it is them when I drive by.
:welcome: (First some silliness: I am very impressed your Prius is only 4 days old, most travel by ship from Japan and it takes weeks!) Second, mine is 7 month old, I hope you are as happy with yours as I am with mine, in 7 months!
Zeke, I’m not a psychologist. However, if you are having issues or guilt feelings thinking that you betrayed your fellow Americans read this: From Wikipedia Former Central Intelligence Agency chief R. James Woolsey, Jr. drives a Prius because of its low fuel consumption. Woolsey noted the volatility of the Middle East, coupled with anti-US sentiment in much of the region. Noting that the high percentage of oil drilled in the Middle East gives vast profits to Middle Eastern regimes, Woolsey believes that it is a patriotic obligation to drive more efficient vehicles. In a Motor Trend magazine article, Woolsey claimed that those oil profits find their way to terrorist groups like al-Qaeda, meaning that Americans who buy inefficient vehicles would, in effect, be indirectly funding terrorism. "We're paying for both sides in this war, and that's not a good long-term strategy," said Woolsey. "I have a bumper sticker on the back of my Prius that reads, 'Bin Laden hates this car.'"[104] Now, about that other red Prius in town… are really red, white and blue.
I seriously doubt that type of mileage in that u-boat. Maybe on the highway @ 55 with a tailwind going downhill.
That is pretty close to accurate as the car was rated 20/29mpg equipped with the 3.8L engine. So avg. fuel economy would likely have been in the mid 20s unless the person drove mostly freeway miles and/or hypermiled it.
Japan and the US are conjoined trading partners. Toyota also has several plants in the United States hiring thousands of Americans. Neighbors who think your Prius is a 'foreign" car need to revise their current perspective regarding what is now a global economy. As stated before - dependence on foreign oil from the Mideast, or Venezuela are sound reasons for driving a car which gets great mileage.
F8L, You are correct -- these got stupid great MPG on the highway. If you've ever been in one with a tach on it, the 3.8 is turning about 1700 at 65 MPH. Heck, if I kept my foot out of the gas on my old Crown Vic, I could easily get 25 mph at 70. Zeke, Congrats! I got my V+Nav last month and I'm still looking for excuses to get in it and drive. Heck, I'll sit in it in the parking lot over lunch & listen to XM. :car:
Interesting comments on my original thread. Maybe a little bit of Prius/superiority complex. I love it when my wife is done with the car in the am so I can "borrow" it for the rest of the day. First trip next week. As far as mpg in the LeSabre, it was only used for grocery runs and long highway trips. On the road it got 29-31 mpg except through W Virginia going up and down hills where it would drop to 28-29. No kidding.
Less of a Prius/superiority complex and more of a reaction to what appears to be inaccurate statements (crashing into trees), "redneck" mentality (don't wanna buy foreign), and a direct slam against Prius owners as if you are too good to be seen in one. We are a pretty diverse crowd here at Prius Chat. :welcome: