have had my Prius since the fall, and I dont know where the light is for the rear hatch area. can you enlighten me?
It's on the driver's side. It also has a switch to turn it off. If left in the ON position, it will automatically turn off when the hatch is closed.
So I've had my car three months. I've read the manual a couple of times. Until today I had no idea there was a light for the rear hatch. Thanks for making me very happy to learn that there is one.
I was putting some stuff in the hatch area this morning and saw it for the first time. I've owned the car for three and half months and finally realized there was a light back there.
I still cannot find a hatch area light. I know there is a switch over by the driver's side which dims the nav screen at nighttime. I turned it back to bright, but when I opened the hatch this evening, NO LIGHT in the back end of the vehicle. what am I missing?
The switch for the rear area hatch light is on the light itself, which is on the left side of the hatch area.
I went out tonight and voila, there is was just as you said. Now I have light in the cargo area.Thank you so much.
Picture of cargo light on a gen. II, instructions on how I beefed mine up: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-prius-main-forum/71789-my-new-improved-led-trunk-light.html