I was wondering if the Dynamic Cruise Control and Pre-collision systems could simply have a software reprogramming to bring cars to a full stop to avoid a collision, similar to the system offered in the Volvo XC60?
I highly doubt it, if it were that simple they would have simply offered it and used it as a selling point.
Toyota could have made the system work that way, and could still do it. It was a deliberate decision to not bring the vehicle to a full stop. There are advantages and risks allowing a vehicle to stop autonomously. Toyota took the safer approach in terms of product liability. This shouldn't come as a surprise given the Nav lockout and other similar decisions. The long and the short of it is that yes, the ATP system could be made to work that way, but don't expect any changes since this was a deliberate decision. Toyota would not look at this change as an "improvement". Tom
They could have also made Lane Keep Assist to work autonomously (i.e. without requiring hands to operate the steering wheel).
Check the LS460 technical manual and compare it to the Prius and let us know. There are Toyota vehicles (Lexus included) that have the more advanced radar cruise that will work down to 0km/h (imagine rush-hour traffic. all you have to do is press up on the CC stalk to RESUME every time the traffic inches ahead)
Speaking of this, is there any way to disable the nav lockout? I was annoyed that my passenger couldn't set a new route without us pulling over and stopping on the highway as we had changed our mind about where we wanted to go.
Did a search and found this old thread....http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii-2010-prius-main-forum/58528-adaptive-cruise-control.html
I'm curious why the Avalon has laser active cc instead of radar? Are there advantages of one over other? Perhaps cost? I would think the radar system would handle curvy roads better, as the narrow beam of laser would intermittently 'lose' its target?
article: Cruise Control System: Adaptive Cruise Control: Autonomous Cruise Control: Intelligent Cruise Control: ACC: A.C.C>: Laser Contol
There are some hacks which involve cutting speed sensor wires and inserting switches. Search will bring up more information. I recommend using the voice commands. Tom
Cheaper. Radar has the advantage of keeping track of the vehicle ahead. With the Laser CC, it can sometimes get confused if you're on the highway and it's an uphill and there's an overpass near the top of the hill. The Laser CC will see the overpass and slow down. Another issue is going around a right bend. It may occasionally see an oncoming vehicle as an obstacle. For whatever reason, radar CC isn't as sensitive in those two scenarios so they do work better. Adverse conditions is another area where laser CC does poorly (But then again, you shouldn't have CC on if the road is wet anyway).
Another disadvantage with lasar over radar is that it can't operate when riding into a sunset or sunrise. This got me a few times when I had my Infiniti. I don't think radar has that limitation, or at least I didn't see it in the manual.
Here are the main threads in the mods forum: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...ation-input-override-speed-sensor-bypass.html http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...-prestigious-society-navi-hack-installed.html