Hello to all. It is soooo good to be able to get true, honest real life experiance from a forum like this. I am in the process of getting the wife a '10 Prius II. It arrived in port (LA) on Friday and we should be getting it later this week. My question concern the Premium Toyota Auto Care Prepaid Maintenance program. I've found the link in Danny's sig to warrantyshack.com, but can't seem to find where to purchase it there. Quote info for the extended warranty, but not any on the maintenance program I can see. Can someone give me that link? Thanks.
You can't buy them online. Just fill out the form and they will give you the contact info to buy anything from them.
I got the prepaid maintenance package for the first 50K and after doing the math the $850.00 is cheaper then if I had not gotten it. This is my fourth Prius so I speak from having history as I put around 50K per year on them. My two cents
It's quite simple. If your true to servicing your vehicle at the dealership as specifed in the maintenance intervals in the Manual, Then...take each service at the present cost today, add them up based upon your expected driving mileage and calculate them in total. Compare that to your Prepaid deal. NOTE: There are other things covered in the prepaid maintenance than covered under normal service...such as wiper blade replacements etc... And the math should speak for itself... My 2 Cents