Ok after many hours of searching what is the newest nav version for my 2006 prius? the moron in the NJ dealership couldnt help me much less have a complete thought without having poo poo drip from his ears. he originally said there is no way to update it. i have searched and searched and if im going to buy this then id like to know what im asking for. Is this the newest version and if so will it work on my 2006????? LEXUS/Toyota Data version 8.1 NAVIGATION UPDATE GEN 5
Ver 9.1 for the gen 2 will do I just did a search but couldn't find the dealer in ma but did find Sewell Lexus in Dallas who want 199$ and will rebate 50$ for your old ver. just let them know the year of your car My 06 came with ver 5.1 I updated to 7.1 and was trying to buy a 9.1 but... fwiw I just bought a garmin 1690, it's got a google link so it gives you live weather,road conditions and traffic congestion, local live search etc..., when you enter data it actually knows where it is you want to go, unlike the toyota nav. just sayin
the version 9.1 will work on my 2006 prius? seems its a Dual Layer so for me to also make a backup id need a DL dvd hmmmmmm more money to spend
I doubt that you can make a workable 'backup' of the 9.1 without some hacking. I believe that there was a change with version 8.1 that prevents duplication. Don't ask me how I know...
I can say, without a doubt, that the 8.1 DVD can be backed up. It does require a dual layer disc. This works for the gen 4 at least. As others have said, beyond the convenience of having the NAV built into the MFD, the portable devices give much better coverage. Personally, I can't see spending the money on the toyota NAV update, mostly it just is utter fail in my rural area. TomTom on my winmo phone can at least get me home, the toyota NAV can only get me within 5 miles.
Well, considering the duplicate came out of the ether/interweb cloud (the disc that came with my car is v4.1), would that answer the question? I had to grab specific burning software as Nero burnt a coaster. I'm not sure how far down the path I can lead you before I pull a warning from the mods though .