I've taken to leaving my heated seat on for the cold months since it's a pain to bend down to turn it on and off. Does anyone know of any reason why I shouldn't be doing that? thanks
I would only think that it would result in additional battery drain which may cause the ICE to run more often. That would be a concern, and since your in CALIFORNIA, is it something you really think you would want on all the time in the "cooler" months?
Alright, so it isn't BUFFALO, but it does get below freezing around my neck of the woods. Thanks for the reply.
Too bad the seat heaters don't have timers and/or thermostats that would automatically turn them off when car interior reaches a certain tempurature, similar to the heated rear window.
I don't see why not. It cycles so it's not like it's continuously on and it doesn't get so hot that you have to manually turn it on and off (like our '02 Camry).
Turned mine one about 3 weeks ago and probably won't turn them off until April 2010. Toasty buns are very important.
Heated seats in California. Now I've heard it all! LOL Whatever floats your boat. Up here it doesn't get *above* freezing for months and I don't have heated seats! My Jeep did but I got rid of that guzzler... heated seats are nice for *cold* weather...
Pugsy, Used to live in Long Beach (SCAL) for 11 years...I know once my blood thinned I was cold in 45 Degree weather! I hear ya. One thing about leaving them on all the time, I don't know how that would affect the "life" of something like the heaters, but I would think it would be small in the spectrum....but that would be my only thought.. Wish I was in California now!
Might toughen up that rump roast!! I used to live in Vermont, 48 below the year I left. My little Toyota was the only car that started for miles. It had a stick shift and manual choke, other vehicles were plugged in and still would not start. That car would do anything as long as the snow wasn't too deep!
Because your butt will catch on fire! And that will make your leg spasm and jam the accelerator to the floor. The massive acceleration will force you back into the seat, increasing the heating effect and beginning a reinforcing cycle of rump roast and runaway acceleration. Then we'll need a warning tag on the seat heater controls, so don't do it! [/snark]
Hi Pugsy, There used to be a theory that one should not leave a car A/C on all the time because of the added load on the cars electrical system and battery at start-up. I don't know how valid this concern was, or might still be, or if the same concerns might apply to leaving the seat heaters on when your starting the car. Anyone have any knowledge about this concern? --TK
The car does have an ECU which ensures power steering will get enough juice - first to turn off are rear defroster and heated seats when this is the case. Not sure if this applies when "starting" the car as well. Keep in mind, starting the Prius is simply firing up a few ECU's which then energize a relay to the hybrid traction battery. Once that's on, the inverter's DC to DC converter takes over. In AZ, the coolness only lasts in the morning, so I don't leave mine on all the time just yet. Maybe in January...
For men prolonged use of heated seats may have an affect on fertility levels. More here, together with a rather more scientific view than you'd find in the newpapers. Fertility in the hot seat