Hi everyone. I take my prius to school every morning and back every evening (weekdays, anyway), and I can't seem to do much better than 40 mpg. School is only about 5-8 minutes away, and it's no more than a 5 mile trip. There are a lot of stops on the way--four stop signs and three traffic lights. The trip is relatively flat, though in the mornings I do go down a pretty big hill and in the evenings I go up it. When I accelerate is usually does go into PWR on the HSI. I try to drive as naturally as possible, with the exception that I start coasting earlier than what feels normal into a stop sign/light. I have some idea, but can someone tell me exactly what's happening when the engine is warming up? It's warming up for most of my trip and I'd like to know if there's anything I can do to help that. (I can't get an EBH and I can't park in a garage.) Also, I've read it's bad to purposefully use only battery (the left side on the HSI display). Is this because the battery must later be charged with gas? Would it be good to try to use only battery in the last, say, 2 minutes of my trip since the engine will have to warm up the next time I start it anyway? Thanks!
You seem to understand alot so far. With that short of a drive your not going to do alot better than 40 without making other drivers mad at you. You might be able to get 45 or so if you watch your following distance and try to coast more. I get 53 on average the car say's 56mpg. I drive 45 miles to work and 45 back 90% of that is going 67mph. So the cars warm up doesn't bother my mpg that much. Try to be easy on the gas when the ICE is warming up. This will save some of the battery for later use/ and so the ICE doesn't have to recharge it. thers not anything you can really do, just realize a normal car would get 20 mpg on the same drive you have, and enjoy over 50mpg when you take longer drives. And to try the use the battery up in the last two miles is a bad idea, you will have to use gas to recharge it next time you drive. I promise you over a few drive of doing this your overall MPG will be lower. The best thing to do is not try to drive on battery unless the car does it on it's own. Like when coasting, or going down a hill, or in a parking lot.
Why can't you get an EBH? Sounds like you would be an ideal canidate for a Plug-In and or conversion. With that said, is it possible to take a different route even if it is longer? If so, try that and see what your FE is like. Did you check your tire pressure? Where do you live? If cool area, try grill blocking (see other threads on this).
thanks for your reply. I could technically get an EBH but the problem is where I park doesn't have any power outlets close to it. What do you mean by conversion though? Thanks!
Bummer on the outlet because I think that would help you out quite a bit (say 2-3 hour soak before you took off in the morning). Since I don't have one myself I can't really say though. As for a plug-in... something like a Zen, 100% electric. For a conversion, adding additional battery packs to your current car for about 18 or so miles on a charge. I can't seem to find the thread on this kit... I was just looking at it last night. hmm. If I find it I will post it. Here it is. Actually scratch all the rambling because if you can't plug-in an EBH you won't be able to plug in for a charge, silly me.
Your doing fine. I would say to not accelerate so hard, but at 10 miles a day and 40 MPG, I guess you need to refuel every five weeks or so?
10 mile return journey, 40 miles per gallon, 4 days commute per gallon commuting 40 days between 10 gallon fills, you're doing great! My commute is 74kM round trip, at 4.3L/100km. I go 2 weeks between 40+ litre fills, good mileage but using a LOT MORE FUEL! Keep up the good work and don't make your commute longer just to get better numbers. (For reference, 40 litres is close to 10 US gallons.)
On the way home tonight I was pondering what Pat and A64 said in their posts above. Basically reflects what other posts have been saying but haven't really sunk in for me... even @ 40mpg your getting much better than most on the road around you! I know its been kind of hard for me lately as I have dropped from my all time high of 56.4 this summer to about 48 average on the current tank. The main reason I bought the car hands down was for the mileage. But if I went with my original choice (another Camry) I probably would only be getting 26-28 right now. I like the instant feedback of the HSI but I think there is a drawback too. TMI. Tends to stress me out. Anyway, like A64 said, your doing alright. I suspect over time you will learn techniques to will help you improve your mileage. But remember to relax (I will be [trying]). Peter
I think I've negotiated a deal with my parents that would allow me to park under the deck, within just a few feat of an outlet.
I have basically the same commute length (7 minutes), and my mileage in the winter can get under 40 mpg, despite driving under 35 mph, gliding when possible, tires at 40/38 psi etc. Only when I get in a longer drive do I bring up the average. I did put in a block heater this year, that should make a difference. My current tank is at 45 mpg. But here's the way to look at it: the most important number is not mpg, but gpm (gallons per month). I went from 48 gpm in 2005 to about 12 gpm today by getting a closer job (and a better one too) and getting the Prius. And riding my bike about 30% of the commutes - 500 miles this year. Going by battery only when you can would be fine for your particular commute. However for that it would be better to have the downhill at the end of the commute, not the start. Just don't try to accelerate very slowly to go by battery only, that doesn't really buy anything and just annoys other drivers. Battery only is best for maintaining your existing speed. In any case, slowing down in advance for lights & signs makes more of a difference.
There is another approach: Electric bike, range 15-30 miles (battery temperature dependent.) Bob Wilson