I just bought my 2010 Prius last week and I'm loving it so far. I was wondering if there's any way to select specific POI icons to appear on the NAV? I've got it set up so that my NAV will show me all of the banks and ATMs in the area, but is there a way to limit it so that it only shows me Wells Fargo banks and ATMs?
Not sure about the banks but I only show the Esso stations on my screen (as I have an Esso card). I don't remember how I did it right now, but I it is under a sub-menu which allow you to select which ones will display...
Cool, the banks were just an example. I'll keep digging through the sub-menus to see if I can find it. If you remember how you did it I love to find out. Thanks for helping. :rockon:
Here it is: Press SETUP on right side of screen NAVI -> Detailed Navi Settings -> Customize POI Icons -> Select Category to edit Voilà !
I have to admit I find this Nav version more difficult to manage, somethings just seem more convoluted. I guess I just need to play with it more and find these fine tuning secitons.
I really wish the Nav system worked better. Just yesterday I went to the De Young museaum in San Francisco. There was NO WAY I could get the system to find the museum based on the street name (Hagiwara)...it thought I was saying "chicago"..."Santa Clara"...etc. etc....and had to manually key in the address when I came to red lights that allowed me to stop long enough to type in some street data. I should have ben able to say "HEY, TAKE ME TO THE DE YOUNG MUSEUM" and had NavLady, just like the computer in the USS Enterprise acknowledge my direction and with the word "Engage" direct me there. I DID notice that you can enter the Destination screens when you're at a stop light- you don't have to be in Park, just stopped. And, if you don't have the opportunity to finish your destination search the screen ghosts out but comes back to life when you get to your next stop...should I put that bit of info up on the Obscure Facts thread?