Blackstone Labs Equipment Make & Model: 2008 Toyota Prius OIL TYPE & GRADE: Mobil 1 5w30 Make-up oil: 0 OIL USE INTERVAL: 10,000 Miles on unit: 37,000 Sample Date: 11/10/2009 We found no significant change in the latest sample from your Prius. The 10,000 mile oil changes are working well for you but we think you could easily be going longer on your oil. Try ~12,000 miles next time and check back for another look at wear. Silicon improved a little here and should continue to do so with each oil change. The trace of fuel that we found isn't an issue and no other harmful contaminants showed up. You still had plenty of active with a TBN reading of 3.5. We consider a reading of around 1.0 too low for extended use. All in all, a good report. ALUMINUM -4 CHROMIUM -0 IRON -14 COPPER -2 LEAD-0 TIN-2 MOLYBDENUM-84 NICKEL-0 MANGANESE-1 SILVER-0 TITANIUM-0 POTASSIUM-2 BORON-38 SILICON-23 SODIUM-5 CALCIUM-2333 MAGNESIUM-12 PHOSPHORUS-666 ZINC-809 BARIUM-0 cSt Viscosity @ 100°C 55.72 SUS Viscosity @ 210°F 8.99 Flashpoint in °F 365 Fuel % TR Antifreeze % 0.0 Water % 0.0 Insolubles % 0.3 TBN 3.5 TAN ISO Code
Yep- no need to change them any more frequent- next time I run Amsoil, I'll go up to 20k with a Mobil 1 filter, or a Pure One 14477 (oversized). Current fill I have is with Mobil 1 extended, I'm going to go to 15k.