I think I can handle the SW changes, just need to find the other signal line. Your thoughts? You can email me directly <my user name> at gmail.
I would like to implement your Speed Sensor Defeat. I do have a question about getting access to the Steering Wheel switch lines. My thought is to monitor both the on/hook and off/hook lines. If EITHER button is held long enough, it would trigger Speed Defeat. That would solve the use case of co-pilot wanting to enter an address from a person talking on the phone.
Part 3 Note: Messages in Priuschat don't always get to me, but my email address is my Priuschat User Name @gmail.com.
Part 2: Can you send me a detailed parts list that includes any parts (like proto boards) that you had lying around, or parts that you would use if you were doing it over again (Like the harness)? I prefer to avoid buying from Alibaba because of shipping delays. Suppliers like Digi-key are easier to deal with.
I would like to build a small batch of your "Speed sensor defeat - a modified approach" devices for the Prius V. I own 2 Prius v's and I think @rjparker is interested in one as well. I can probably get the Arduino setup going on my dual boot windows 10 / Linux laptop. I am handy with a soldering iron.