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  1. AddMoreGas
    @youryoure yes
  2. youryoure
    Did you install the dashcam/radar detector bypass yourself?
  3. satyam
    i took car at mechanic he chaech wiring is good bcm is good ecm problem he programme ecm now key is not detected both of them original key is not decting and second key just came dash board...
  4. Scottyboy24
    Did you put them yourself? I just watched a how to video on YT and the guy had to pull dang near half the front of the car off just to get to ONE little clip at the bottom! So they had twoo bolts...
  5. Tombukt2
    I hope it works out I can't decipher the numbers for you or the letters It doesn't mean much I did the same thing with one of my cars The numbers in Japan and Asia are different than they are here...