

3M 1080 Carbon Fiber side mirrors

ProphetsOfDoom, Nov 11, 2012
mrstop likes this.
    • J Dunn
      Did you wrap them yourself, or did you have it done? I was getting ready to order some online but the thought of doing it myself is making me reconsider.
    • ProphetsOfDoom
      i did it myself. You will need at least two people though. It's not hard.
    • J Dunn
      OK well then I'll give it a shot. Did you get it wet first or apply it dry?
    • ProphetsOfDoom
      If you're using 3M 1080 then you don't use any liquid. You'll need a heat gun and a felt squeegee. The vinyl is pressure/heat activated and will take the form of whatever you put it on when you squeegee/heat it. You can also carefully squeegee out any air bubbles. The heat gun will allow you to stretch the vinyl and/or fix any creases. I recommend getting a sample of it first and just playing with it on some misc. item. Test its limits and become familiar with it (i.e. This is also a pretty good video to give you an idea of the 3M 1080 ( oh yeah... and make sure you use a new sharp blade to cut the vinyl so it doesn't rip.
    • ProphetsOfDoom
      one more thing... if you mess up, you can always take it off. it will not hurt your paint or leave any sticky residue behind. ...oh yeah and do it at room temperature.... ok i think that's all :)
    • J Dunn
      awesome, thanks for all the info!
    • J Dunn
      well i did it too! the first time i did it, i was doing it with the cover on the car and was trying to exacto it as cleanly as possible, but it didn't turn out so great. the second time i did it i pulled the mirror covers off the car and was able to wrap them much better, and they turned out great. so thanks for giving me the confidence to do it! i'll post pics one of these days
    • ProphetsOfDoom
      sweet! can't wait to see some pics :)
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