

Old Town square in Wichita.

57Geronimo, Jan 7, 2013
    • TNGator
      Whats next, window tint?
    • 57Geronimo
      You bet. Done and looks great. I'll post some new pic's as soon as the sun comes out.
    • TNGator
      Before I bought new wheels, tires and lowering springs, I purchased OEM center caps from my local dealer. $15 each. They made the wheels look finished. You can paint them black if you want that blacked out look. Be careful, modding your car can be addictive. Remember why you bought the car in the first place.
    • 57Geronimo
      Yep, I told my sister i was savinf all kinds of money in gas and was buying after market wheels which required new tires and her reply was; doesn't that defeat the purpose of purchasing a green Hybrid that saves money based on gas mileage????? All I could say was "Good Point"

      We always buy wheels for our vehicle, we consider that to ne a normal personalization.

      More to come
    • 57Geronimo
      I see you have window defleators on your Prius.

      How do you like them? Are they the window channel type? Any trouble with the automatic window?

      By the way I did purchase the chrome caps and it finishes off the look.

      Have a great one!
    • TNGator
      I bought vent visors from anything auto $65. They stick on the outside of the door and don't touch the glass window at all. I use them to get rid of the fogged windows in the winter. It makes for a chilly commute to work. Its funny that I will spend a grand on wheels and tires but will not use the heater so I can get better MPG's. LOL!!! FYI, be careful on aftermarket wheels and tires. They can really hit your gas millage hard. 17 and 18 inch wheels look the best, but fuel economy suffers. I went with 16 inch wheels and LLR tires and got lucky. So far, I'm averaging over 50 mpg. Good luck!!!
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    2012 Prius, Start of something "small"
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    Jan 7, 2013
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