
Prius remote start.jpg

Prius remote start.jpg
rrg, Jan 17, 2013
    • rrg
      You can find out more about this Prius Gen III remote start on my post:
      DIY remote start + attach 2 wires to car = done oem-fob-with-run-times-15-25-30-45-60min
    • fotomoto
      OK you have my interest. Spill your guts!
    • rrg
      Check out the thread/post. It has more details. I can sell these if I get interest and I need a few early people to test and make sure they work for everyone.
      I can't link to it from here. Basically connect two wires (purple and green) and plug in the harness. That's all you need to do the install the remote start on the Prius for Gen III. Very plug and play. You can read more about it there. Thank you for asking.
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    DIY Prius remote start install kit
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    Jan 17, 2013
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