I was ready to trade this POS prius in after getting 35-38mpg for the last 6 mo's. I tried everything to diagnose it. I could not figure out why the heck my mpg went from 47 to 37. I changed the air cleaner, filled up the tires, bought new tires, drove like an old lady and nothing worked. In fact if I drove "normal" with AC on I got 34mpg. I was at the end of my rope until Saturday. I was walking the dog and my wife stayed in the car listening to the radio in aux mode. When I got back she said the car turned off. I promptly pushed the start button and BAM a big red triangle. The car was dead. I got some one to jump the car and and it fired up. I came home and started reading about batteries and settled on the elearn-aid kit that consists of an optima and install kit. I also read that a dead or dying battery can kill the mpg. After reading that I read that many people who installed a new battery got better mpg after the replacement. The seed was planted! The battery arrived the next day and I went out to install it after I got home from work. Finishing up I cleared the mpg setting and jumped on the freeway. The day before I was averaging 37 on the freeway. I allowed the car to warm up and set my cruise control to 65 same as the day before. I watched the display start counting up 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48.4 wooohooo! I only made a short trip and expect the mpg would have kept climbing maybe even above 50. Boy this battery must have been bad for some time. It sure cost me a lot of grief and $$$. Just an FYI for those of you who have lost mpg. By the way my battery is less than 18 months old and I have 40k on the car of normal driving.
Congratulations! :cheer2: Even though I follow Gen II 12V battery issues and FE/MPG maximizing threads very closely, unless there is a complaint of some weird electrical condition, I wouldn't list a bad battery as a typical cause for the very low MPGs that you were seeing. This won't help you, but I offer it for others who may be in your former condition -- the very first piece of non OEM equipment you buy for a Prius should be a ScanGauge... even before floor mats or a Sharkfin antenna... maybe even before the first gas fill-up. Its use in monitoring ICE temps when you put grill blocking in is well documented. So is its use for monitoring ICE conditions when you're going for max FE/MPGs. More on-point, with the SG, you can check the condition of the 12V battery any time you want, even if the car is turned off. Case in point: When my '08 was new, the 12V battery read 12.7-12.8V after the car sat overnight. Now, some 2 years later, it shows 12.5. It has lost some capacity and it will continue to do so. When it gets down to 12.2-12.3 I will replace it with the Yellow Top. Get thee a ScanGauge; about $160 at the PRIUSchat Shop, or on the 'net. :rockon:
OK Problemchild Please correct the upside down American Flag! You may get 55.6 mpg. or change your logo
huh? Why is an upside down flag a problem? Sorry about OT question. edit:- I didn't see the last post.
Darn it Pat, here we go again. I know the flag looks okay to you, but that means it is upside down for us. Sheesh. Tom
I'm skeptical. What is the explanation of MPG hit with a poorly charged 12V battery? I follow MPG for ages in my cars and many of them went thru 12V battery failures and I don't ever recall getting a MPG hit during those occasions…
The theory is that if you have a bad 12v that wont fully charge the car will think "why is the battery low? I'll try charging it." and it will continue to try charging it. Sending all this extra energy to the 12v instead of moving the car or putting it into the high voltage battery. Send this energy away from the wheels will lower your MPG.
Interesing and I understand the theory, but to lose that much (approx 15% - 20%) mpg I think that the battery would need to be sucking (and wasting) a heck of a lot of power. A quick calculation gives me a figure around 1000 Watts, could that be right?
All I can tell you is that it made a HUGE difference. All I did was change batteries and get on the same freeway at the same time of day under the same conditions with the speed set to the same amount and the mpg was >10 gain. .............. [FONT=arial, helvetica]Since the 12 volt battery does not start the gasoline engine you can still use the car with a very weak battery. So much so that at least three Classic Prius users have told me that their Prius now gets better mileage with the new battery. One told me that getting a new battery restored his mileage back to the original mileage he was getting when the car was brand new and another told me that he is now getting better mileage then he did originally. Here is the third owner's comments: "All installed and working GREAT! My mileage has jumped amazingly (>10 mpg). Would have saved considerable amount of money by replacing earlier. Thanks again for being there." (for another similar story go to the bottom of this page.) So if your 12 volt battery is weak it could also be affecting your gas mileage because your Prius is wasting energy trying to recharge a battery that will not take a charge. 12 Volt (12v) Toyota Prius Auxilary Battery for 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010 with installation kit and free shipping [/FONT]
You can't do that quick calculation with the supplied data. You have to know how much power the car is using, which varies with speed and other factors. The bad battery is essentially a fixed load, where the power for the car is a variable. Certainly the DC to DC converter is able to deliver that sort of power, but the 12V battery would get very hot if it dissipated that much power. I would worry about a fire at those levels. Tom
Wow- I would think a battery should last at least 5 years. I wonder how many have had failures before then?
Many. It's not a big battery, and the Prius continues to draw power even when shut down. Leaving a door open overnight is enough to do a lot of damage to a small battery like that. Tom
That's interesting... Does anybody with a scangauge knows what the critical charge level for the Prius is (gen 2 and 3)? In other words, at what charge and bellow do we start to get a MPG hit?
Ok, the smaller size of the Prius battery will make it hard to do apple to apple comparisons, but... In a 'normal' car a weak 12v battery may make it hard to start, even I would notice that, and replace it. In a Prius, the HV battery runs the 'starter' so the 12v battery need only fire up the computers, I might not notice it was weak and keep driving it.
Hmm...alright engineers and brilliant Prius experts explain to me how a failing accessory battery could impact mileage? I thought the traction battery and the 12volt were separate systems? Really, I'm not being combative, I'd just like to know if a failing 12volt could have that much impact on mileage and why. Thanks.
The 12V battery is charged by the high voltage system. It takes gasoline to generate the high voltage power used to charge the 12V battery. A failing 12V battery will continue to absorb electricity without ever getting charged - think of it as an energy sink. In practice what happens is the lost electricity heats the 12V battery, so you have a little electric heater under the hatch floor, and it runs any time the car is powered up. Tom
If less than 18 months old, should it have been covered under the warranty? Or was it not "bad enough" to be considered for replacement by Toyota? When is bad "bad enough"?
Since his signature is problemchild, clearly he is in distress and needs help. On the other side, if you are are not in distress and putting a national flag upside down , it show that you are not respectful to the flag or to the country of the flag.
It's a common known problem with the Prius, although it is often forgotten. All sorts of strange things can happen if the 12V is weak. A gas mileage hit is one of those things. Tom pointed out one reason for that. There has been some concern about weak 12V from shipping and sitting on dealer's lots among other things.