Has anyone here ever lost the plug cap off your EBH?? I havn't lost mine, yet... but I started wondering if the plug caps were available separately, or if you just got a "make do" cap from the home improvement store? thanks..... RD
My EBH power cable ripped out when I backed out of my driveway after forgetting to disconnect the EBH. The dealer replaced the cable only, the rest was fine. So I imagine they may be able to just give you the cap if you lost it. I don't see how you would lost it. Didn't the dealer tie-wrap it to the cable, or the gril?
Instead of starting a new thread, I'm reviving this one. Unfortunately, I backed out of my driveway without unplugging the EBH and I lost my cap. Wayne or anyone else know where I might be able to find a cap? Wayne, you mentioned Canadian Tire. I don't see that I can order one online? I don't see an option to add to cart.
You have to have a Canadian address for delivery. Maybe someone from Canada can get one for you. Wayne
Most of the vehicles here have lost the cap over the plug, ages ago. The cap may protect the plug, but there are plenty of other ways to ruin a plug, not just backing out without unplugging first The flexing of the plug every time you plug in, and unplug, will eventually break the stranded wires inside. I've never got more than 3 years out of a block heater plug before having to replace it. If easy to get to, I just get an entire new harness, usually under $15, and plug it in to the block heater frost plug Of course, the Prius, and my FJ, don't use a frost plug heater. It's a contact heater that fits into a machined recess in the aluminum block. In that case, due to the PITA Factor, I just chop off the plug and wire in a replacement grounded plug
:car: Got one here in MN USA @NAPA Auto Parts store. NAPA PN 605-1545 $5.99 plus tax. :horn: Bag label: "Made in Canada, UAP Inc., Montreal, Quebec H1N 283. Mfg for Balkcamp Inc. Corporate Office: Indianapolis, IN 48241" Of course, you can get in online @napaonline.com
This solution won't necessarily stop the absentminded from backing out without disconnecting the power cord, but it will eliminate fraying of the wires at the EBH plug end. I made an 8" extension with a regular female socket on one end, to connect to the EBH plug. For the other end I used a male plug from a PC power supply (as shown on the left in the first picture). This plug I mounted behind the small grille section next to the foglamp. The female end of the PC power cord (on the right in the first picture) slips perfectly between the louvers of the grille to plug into the recessed plug. For an equivalent of the "cap", I cut the female end from another PC power cord to plug into the recessed plug to keep out rain, bugs and debris while on the road. Works great and is much easier to connect and disconnect. BTW, if anyone needs a cap, I have two that I won't be using.
Paul, you're a bloody genius!! That is brilliant! Looking up the address for Nobel Foundation now, your going to be a nominee! If the president can do it ...
Have actually found a source for the entire new harness at $15? Mine is dead and I'd love to buy a new one.