only thing you are forgetting. I wanted to have or go to a windows 7 party, but couldnt get a group together. So, I guess I will have to go with the umm...what selection
I had my own party. I did install Windows 7 in a VM and it did run much quicker than my VM of Vista. But I still just dont like it. But really I will be installing Fedora 12 when its released next month. Worst case I will be installing XP Pro x64 if Fedora does not work out.
Hi Jay (or anyone else for that matter), Serious question: I'm thinking of getting a netbook, and I see that they are coming out with netbooks with Windows 7 instead of Windows XP on it (in the netbook world, they've essentially skipped Windows Vista). From your experience, would you advise getting one over the other?
I have never heard and seen anything *SO* lame as the Windows 7 Launch party initiative. I mean, get a life, it's an OS not the launch of the man to the moon or the election of your favourite president.... I find the whole idea so sad...
The girl with the dark hair is cute. Sorry, I'm not geeky enough to care much about Windows 7, I use XP pro.
Parties for an OS release is silly. That being said, I was looking forward to Windows 7 and have really enjoyed the few days I have had it installed.
option E) Who does windows? I use a mac. option F) Is there another party next week when the service pack is out?
If you getting a netbook ( they usually have small hard drives ) I would install XP Pro on it no matter what OS came with it. Windows 7 still takes up 9 gig on a fresh install in my VM. XP takes less than 2 gig. I plan on getting an Mbook M2 when it gets released and it is scheduled to have Windows 7. First thing I do when I get it is install XP.
We should do launch parties for Ubuntu. That way we would have a guaranteed party every six months. Tom
I'd say this applies to Bob, ME, and Vista all together... it seems that Microsoft can't learn from their own mistakes
Oh man, this is priceless. One of the physicists that worked for me as a software engineer used this technique. By his own words, he titrated between beer and coffee to keep the perfect balance. When he got too jumpy on coffee, he switched back to beer. Too sleepy with the beer, back to coffee. Tom
Yep, I believe it. I'm living proof, which is why I strive to keep my BAC at that level to maintain peak performance
I have to agree with this as well. I was once working on something and drinking at the same time, and when I woke up the next morning (passed out with laptop on me) I compiled my code and it ran and this difficult problem I had been trying to solve was solved - I had no memory of coding it. Either being drunk helped or the code fairy came and wrote it for me. It's amazing!
Say what you want about ME, Vista is head and shoulders above ME though. I never had the issues with Vista I had with ME (shudder).