Trucks have these bumber guides that make gauging the position of the front of the bumpers. Have a very short young lady needing assistance learning to drive and with the slopping hood, this is a huge issue until she learns how to better gauge distances. Pillows are used but need more. Has anyone found these for an auto. Been searching for awhile and not having success.
Probably the least expensive guide would be to mount an antenna mast, telescoping mast, wooden dowel, bicycle flag plastic pole, etc. to one of the front license plate screws. You can mount the guide a number of ways, including using a bicycle flag bracket like this: [IMGLINK][/IMGLINK] You can buy such a bracket from, among other places, this vendor: Bike Flag Bracket
So you attached pillows to the front bumper as protection until she gauges the distance??? Thought I've seen everything...
Hambone, From Sigma Automotive's website. JDM Corner Pole Marker Auto I don't know if they would work for Gen3 or not. The alternative would be to get sonar park distance sensors for all four corners.