I'm on Prius Chat allday. I'm on my compute or blackberry nostop. I know I sale them , but I learn more for here then anything I get for toyota. I LOVE PRIUS! I enjoy read and here abotu the car...
I am sure it is just my impatience (T - 7 weeks to delivery) but I must be checking in on PC 6 or more times per day for 10 mins each.... usually as a lurker. My problem is, I want to read as much as possible about the car before it arrives, but the more I read about the more I want it to arrive.... and so the spiral goes on.... Floppy
PC is not a bad thing to be addicted too.....it's a little funny, a bit informative and probably creates a lot of Prius envy when folks post when the receive their new cars and others are still waiting, or would that be living vicariously through other's posts??
I just now looked up what the 12 steps actually were. Apparently it involves admitting to a problem of some kind, and giving up atheism. Oh, like that will ever happen.
Maybe that was the problem of the dyslexic, insomniac atheist ....... ........ who stayed up all night pondering the existence of his dog ...ound:
...or with the lead actress from the National Dyslexic Theater. They were due to open a new show of Annie Get Your Nug, but she became so despondent that she threw herself behind a bus. Tom