Hi Jayvee: Yes, keeping a thread focused is a good idea. The trouble is, people have a variety of opinions as to what the focus should be, and that dilutes the thread. Regardless, I think Toyota is getting the message anyway. Jim
Has anyone had any luck getting their dealer or Toyota providing an update free of charge? I just spoke to Toyota's Customer Service, and their answer was "you have to negotiate with the dealer since we only provide what is available on the vehicle build date."
Has anyone seen a torrent of the Gen6 v9.1 DVD yet? Not expecting a link, of course, just a pointer toward what search engine picked it up maybe. Would be nice to try it and see if the update is worth it before committing the cash to Toyota for an official copy.
One for sale on eBay, I think: TOYOTA LEXUS DVD NAVIGATION DISC CD 9.1 U91 NAV DISK:eBay Motors (item 170393702427 end time Oct-22-09 06:00:12 PDT) I believe that is the right part number, is it not? I wonder how they had an original extra already? Totaled a brand new car maybe?
A legal way to check out the 9.1 NavDVD: If your v8.1 is lacking coverage, go to a dealer and use the Nav with 9.1 in a new car on the lot. First, check the Regional coverage area maps as shown on your 8.1 DVD and compare your area with the 9.1 Nav coverage maps. Then, on the Navigation map screen, zoom out, shift to the area lacking good, sufficient, or correct coverage, zoom in, and see if the coverage is enough better in the 9.1 version to help you. There seem to be no identified functional changes in 9.1 DVD. The changes appear to be in the road data and the data for a few POI. The "pdf" (see link above) seems to list many data changes, and apparently tells you as much as Toyota wants us to know.
Here you go. New thread: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...nics/70548-nuvi-tom-tom-etc-vs-prius-nav.html
Alright, this is stopping here. There has been a new thread created for discussion of Toyota's built in nav system and portable units. This last post is just an attempt to keep the off topic conversation going in this thread. If you want to make your point how you like the portables and dislike the built in unit, that's fine, but now there is a thread to do it in. This thread needs to get back on topic. Thanks. Edit: I want to clarify, I am not pointing this only at Indyking, but to all. Let's keep discussion of an off topic nature in their appropriate threads. This one will continue about discussion concerning the dvd ver 9.1...
If it's just a data upgrade...really, how many new roads could they have added for $200? If there were software upgrades/enhancements, then I would need to know what they were before deciding. But $200 for more roads? No way.
Exactly. My version 8.1 works just fine for the places I go, so it'll be several years before I upgrade. The only reason I would want a newer version now would be if some kind of significant software upgrade were offered. Just upgrading to get newer maps every year is silly. Jim
Agreed as well. Personally, I feel those of us who bought early should be given a 9.1 dvd if we turn in our 8.1. Why should we be penalized for purchasing early? So for me, no real updates other than more maps is of no use. Where I travel 99% of the time, the maps are just fine the way they are on 8.1.
Pickep up my Prius V from Elmhurst Toyota on September 16th. I learned about the upgrade disk right here on PriusChat. Called the dealer, and the service manager ordered me a version 9.1. I went in yesterday, and gave the 8.1 back, and paid just the tax. (that was only fair, 25 bucks) I plopped in the new disk, and after playing with the Nav for awile it was apparent that there were MANY more phone numbers, and places of business included on 9.1 which were not on 8.1. To me, that's invaluable.
Good on you and them for the swap-out on 9.1. Now, tell me, does 355 extend all the way down to I-80 on your 9.1 version? It doesn't on 8.1. On my recent road trip to Maine, I discovered big data mistakes with 8.1. Rest stops that were closed for 20 years and had their very foundations turned to dust were still listed as active, and rest stops that had been open for 10 years or more weren't in the database. Some major road names were marked wrong. I can't believe all of this has been fixed with 9.1. That aside, in stopping at Delorme headquarters in Portland, I looked at the 2009 Illinois Gazatteer, and a certain town still ended at about 75th street, so they haven't updated their data in 20+ years either. In an information age, I find all that almost unforgivable.
Make sure your salesman knows you expect it to be in the car when you pick it up. Get that straight BEFORE the sale. Before the sale, they will bend over backwards for you, After the sale, it's like 'Who are you again?' If you make it part of the deal, it will be in the car. Afterwords, forget it.
I ran into a situation where I picked up my car early Oct, and just realized I had the 8.1 disk after checking. The only reason I checked was because the Navi lady told me their was incomplete data so turn by turn cannot be provided. The odd thing is, the parts where Turn by Turn wasn't working, all of the streets and street names were clearly on the navigation map as I was driving over them. Toyota has clearly planned on this malfunction happening or else Mrs. Navi Lady would not have recorded that saying. Anyway, I explained what happened to my dealer and they ordered me the 9.1 disk for free with no hassels