I had my windshield changed since it had a crack i got it back with lots of little glass broken bits in all the air ducts in the dash board. What is the best and cheapest way to clean them up? is there any vacuum strong enough to vacuum them out or should I open up the whole dash board and separate the ducts and clean them that way? opening the dash cost a lot so if anyone can help let me know.
Bids? You mean 'bits', as in small pieces? The side vents are easily pulled out. Just pull them out. The center vents aren't too hard to get at, but you have to remove a couple other panels. I bet if you found the DIY for replacing the MFD, the instructions could be used to remove the vents. Then vacuum in there and reassemble.
Take the car back to whoever changed the windshield and demand that they clean up their mess. All they had to do was cover the dash when they smashed out the old window, and they were too lazy to bother. Their incompetence has put you at risk of an accident or injury from glass shards flying around inside your car.
well that is definitely an option though not sure how well they know prius and how good they are at cleaning the mess.. maybe I can print the instructions and take it to them they should be able to do it.
It is not the prius it is the tempered glass which smashes into cubes. Thousands of bits, that shop needs to be shown, ask them for a refund 20% for not doing it correctly.
Better yet, get them to pay for you to take it to a Toyota dealer and have the service department do it. Be certain the glass company agrees to cover the total cost.
it is so easy to say it but to actually get them to do it is almost impossible I called them they asked me to bring it so they can clean it up.
Agreed. I think you really have to give them a chance to clean up their mess first. Hopefully they make good and do it properly.