LOL! I'm a daily visitor and my husband says I'm addicted to PC! Then again, he appreciates all the things I've learned here and the twisted bits I pass on from FHOP! I even had fun with my salesperson, who was surprisingly knowledgeable based on the stories I've heard here. He and I would try to top each other with obscure Prius facts and features. Thanks to PC, I held my own. I'm loving my 3 month old IV too!
Fourteen whole posts in three months, and you're worried about addiction? From this perspective, you haven't exhaled your first puff yet.
Its pretty scary. I am thinking about an hour a day. I look @ my stats and it says over 3 posts a day! Gads. Its all windstrings fault.
Fred's House of Pancakes - home of much silliness and posts unrelated to the Prius or hybrids. Fred's House of Pancakes - PriusChat Forums
LOL! NO kidding.... some of us are chattier than others ey? Is there a 12 step group for pc'ers that have gone over the edge? My kids are sure tired of hearing things that start with this: "I read the most interesting thing on priuschat today...."
Much less inhaled yet. One could make the argument that the OP hasn't even come into consistent second-hand contact....
You can stop the addiction by trading your Prius in for a Chevy Cruze. You probably won't find interesting people there though.
Story of my life. I was hooked five years ago. At this point I'm just trying to keep an equilibrium between PriusChat and all that irrelevant background noise that gets in the way of PriusChat. Yes, there have been evenings where I have hit "View New Posts" so often that there are no new posts.
So, how is this a bad thing? :huh: My "addiction" to Prius Chat got me a trip to Detroit, the chance to meet really great people (like Pat Sparks and all the other Pat Sparks), and a few really funny jokes to tell my DH. And, I don't spend that much time here. Really. Um... no, not that much time.