I had to drag my main computer out from its hiding space to replace a failed hard drive. Before I pushed it back in, I decided it was long past time to clean up the mess that had grown behind the computers. My main computer is BigBob. Next to him was Bobs_brother, which is my old Windows NT server. It hasn't been powered up for two years, so it was time for it to go too. All of the wiring had woven itself into an impenetrable web, so I have been ignoring it for years. The attached photo shows most of the redundant wiring that I removed, plus a couple of modems. Not included in the photo are a couple of other modems, Bobs_brother himself, two A-B switch boxes, numerous power bricks, a Wacom tablet, and about two pounds of cat hair. Tom
My knees are behind my computer. I use a macbook and usually compute with it on my lap as God intended.
When I saw the title, before I read the OP, I was thinking ' 4 by 6 foot map of the US'. Once I saw his picture, I want to mention that I have two 6 foot Power Strips with plugs every 6 inches, so I never feel like I can't plug something in.
A lap desk. I did away with all that wiring mess and went with a complete wireless network and notebooks. When we built our current house a couple years ago, we had to visit the design center. A sub-contractor there had to fill out our wiring needs. First, phone outlets. How about one in every room (for a fee, of course)? I told him we had a base unit and 4 remotes, and only needed one phone outlet. How about surround sound wiring? Well, we don't have surround sound, but when I get it we will use bluetooth-enabled wireless speakers. Grumble, grumble. How about CAT3? You HAVE to have computer wiring! I asked if he had heard of something called WiFi. I then said he might want to consider training for a new job as his profession was close to extinction, like buggy whip manufacturers when cars came along or carburetor manufacturers when cars went fuel injected. He was downright surly, but our house is pretty much wire-free (which added zero cost to the construction). Now, if I can just figure out a way to have broadcast power we can do away with the extension cords and power strips!
I have those too. Sadly, before remove all of the surplus stuff, I was out of outlets. Whatever you have you will fill up. Tom
I am a neat freak and a minimalist. I try to hide the cords when I can, roll them when I can, and tie them up when I can. Here at work I screwed a "shelf" under my desk where all the cords sit. Out of site, out of mind.
Oh dear. It looks like you're trying to get your pc to behave like a mac. No shame, it's a common condition. :ninja:
I tried to take a photo of the messiest part of my computer corner work area, but this scary tentacle of old cables whipped out and hissed at me. Instead, this is the neatest part of my work area One of the rare moments when most of the items are powered down, as evidenced by the Cisco workgroup switch diagnostics
Nice. You know Norton can remove that infestation for you. Alternately you can reboot to safe mode, invoke the command prompt, and type get_dog<CR>. Tom
WOW! That's SERIOUSLY cool! My cat is often behind my computer, but he likes to rub the sides of his head on the upper corners of the lid (marking it as "his" - but he never seems to get around to checking his e-mail on it).